Sunday, March 23, 2014

On the Prospect of Clowns Like wd and Jersey Volunteering to Fight in the Civil War

Yeah, like that would have ever happened, huh? Those two chicken-hawks would have run like the wind and either ended up in Canada or hiding in the forest for four years. It's as easy as pie to talk about a war 150 years after the fact but it's quite another to be willing to put yourself into the middle of that miserable grinder knowing fully well that if you were in that first column you were either fucking dead or maimed....Big, brave men these idiots sitting behind their computers.


  1. Both of them are Keyboard Cowboys.

    If either one were face to face they would pee their pants and roll into the fetal position.

  2. And probably back into the crawl space, too, huh?

  3. I didn't include you, BB, because I sense that you're a person of principle and probably would have fought.

  4. jmj might have fought too Will. I sense there is more to him than is evident at times. The other guy? Yeah, probably in the crawl spaces... soiling himself.

  5. You could be right about the first point and you absolutely are about the second.


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