Tuesday, March 4, 2014

On Politicians Like the President Asserting that THEIR Policies are Good for Everyone and Have Zero Negative Consequences

They're either stupid or they're lying. ALL GOVERNMENT POLICIES HAVE UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES. I mean, just look at the recent history of this country; the ADA resulting in a massive increase in law suits and ultimately LESS employment for the disabled, the luxury tax under Bill Clinton literally destroying the yacht-building industry in Rhode Island, the minimum wage hike in American Samoa causing one of the island's largest employers to depart, the Cash for Clunkers program seriously damaging the used car business, the invasion of Iraq uncorking centuries of ancient hatred and strife, the drug war blowing a hole in the deficit and increasing violent street crime, the ethanol boondoggle jacking up the cost of food worldwide and actually making the environment worse, the ban on DDT causing a massive uptick in Malaria worldwide, the Great Society subsidizing illegitimacy and the illegitimacy rate skyrocketing, etc., etc.. This whole assertion by Mr. Obama that HIS policies (the stimulus, Obamacare, his steep minimum-wage hike proposal, etc.) are going to be somehow immune from this law of unintended consequences is pure unadulterated snake-oil.........................................................................................P.S. Yes, it's possible that the good may ultimately outweigh the bad (though I'm obviously not holding my breath here) but there are always winners and there are always losers....and wouldn't it be nice for a politician to occasionally acknowledge that?


  1. It would be even nicer if politicians once elected actually worked for the people and did things that really accomplished what the people want.

    But that means they have to be severed from monied special interests that pretty must control everythin.

  2. RN: Yes. From outside big corporations to the bureaucrats and the SEIU. All of it.

  3. I think that tax reform is the key. 2-3 low rates and ZERO deductions FOREVER. That'll keep the undue influence out of it.

  4. And the SCOTUS rethinking Citizens United. Which ultimately heiped large corporations. Which have become huge takers along the SEUI and others.

  5. RN: I'm all for rethinking it as long as the rights of anyone to make movies critical of politicians remains protected.

  6. That falls under free political speech. Protected by the constitution. Beyond that CU stinks.

    Since free political speech is a constitutional right already I would say CU could easily be scraped.

  7. If it is all scrapped you go back to people being harassed by the government for such things as films critical of Hillary. Scrap some of it, keep some of it.


  8. If McCain and Feingold hadn't pushed their idiotic campaign finance reform bill....CU would have been a mote point.


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