Thursday, March 13, 2014

On the Concept of a Solitary Individual Wasting Valuable Moments of His Existence Penning and Maintaining a Ledger Entitled, "The Truth About Dennis Marks"

Sad. Bizarre. Disturbing. Paranoiac. Jaundiced. Impoverished. Unrelenting. Over the top. I think that that pretty much covers it.


  1. He has an identical ledger on you, too.

  2. Anyway, Will, the world turns. Signs and portents abound. Evildoing in high places, political trends that must be spoken about.

    And what does WD talk about? Nothing but kenawing old bones, using sloppy math and selective quotations to try to prove the long disproven fringe claims... in an endless successful of love letters to Will, "Dennis", and "Lester"....

    He's no Woodward, Bernstein, or Jack Anderson. Imagine if Jack Anderson, instead of writing about important matters such as Watergate and the FBI, instead to write every single column of his about his perceived enemies, fellow columnists Art Buchwald (aka the pet name"Arthur") and Mike Royko (aka the pet name "Mickey").

    It's something like that, if Jack Anderson wasn't a columnist and lived in a basement instead.

    - dmarks

  3. Perhaps I should have included, "Nixonian", as well, huh?

  4. Nixonian? I guess... if Nixon had a pony tail.


  5. dmarks.......that is one sick puppy you have cyber stalking you.

    Its a bit scary knowing people in his condition are walking among us without a minder watching him.

  6. Rusty: Beware of pervs in a trench-coat, with a pony tail.

  7. Beware of pervs in muscle shirts with shaved heads.

  8. RN: Somehow that statement made me think of Putin, though I think he has a genetic baldness problem, and often ditches the shirt. But still..

  9. This Dervish fellow seems to be giving you guys a lot of grief. I read what was going on here and it appeared as though you thought Dervish was the one who hacked into my account. Just so everyone knows, the mystery has been solved, and the person who hijacked my account has been identified. It wasn't Dervish, but only someone pretending to be him. Someone that Barlowe works with. My apologies to Mr. Sanders.


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