Friday, March 28, 2014

On the Concept of Glorifying Our Leaders (Whether They be Lincoln, FDR, Washington, Jefferson, TR, or Even Reagan, My Conservative Friends); Building Monuments and Statues of Them, Putting their Faces on Money, Etc.

I hate it and I wish that it would cease. At the very best, these fellows were mixed and in some instances tyrannical (what Lincoln did to the newspapers, what FDR did to small immigrant businessmen like the Schecters, Etc.). And just this whole moronic notion of blind obedience in and of itself is dangerous. We need to keep our thinking-caps on, folks, ALL THE TIME.


  1. Well said Will, well said. The sheeple will however, shrug it off. Happy to be blindly follow.

  2. Sacagawea is on a dollar coin. I
    don't think she screwed up anything historically.

  3. Don't have an issue with that one or the Buffalo nickel.

  4. I forgot about that one. Yep, that one's OK, too.

  5. Its a very regressive human tendency. Just like favoring the interests of the State over those of the people (as discussed in your most recent post)


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