Thursday, March 27, 2014

More on the "Great Emancipator"

This, from "The Slave Catchers" by Stanley W. Campbell (University of North Carolina Press) - "In the meantime (1861), the Fugitive Slave Law remained in force and was executed by the federal marshals in the border states.......In October 1861, the Louisville Journal was pleased to report that a resident of Louisville had recovered his fugitive slaves from the state of Indiana by due process of law. The federal marshals had acted promptly, and the fugitive slave tribunal performed efficiently in remanding the slaves to his owner.......As late as June 1863, six months after the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect, fugitive slaves were still being returned to their masters in the loyal states (as well as in the District of Columbia where 26 slaves were returned)."........................................................................................So, there it is, folks, even after the war had started and even after the Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln was still hunting down fugitive slaves and returning them to servitude. Yep, this war was ALLLLLLLLLLLL about slavery.


  1. "The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here" -apparently not-

  2. And what he did was ensure that half of the nation would stay in poverty for the better part of a century.


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