Saturday, March 15, 2014

A Seceding Idea

"Any people, anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better." Abraham Lincoln, 1848.


  1. Hey Will.....I don't imagine anyone from UCONN will be ordering any Papa John's pizza in the near future.

  2. And we have some serious studs coming in next year, Russ; Daniel Hamilton and Rodney Purvis (2 MacDonald's all-Americans), Sam Cassell Jr. (one of the best JUCO guards in the country), and a 6'8" 245 pound forward named Rakim Lubim who appears to be a major-league sleeper. Couple them with the 3 talented freshman from this year's class (Samuel, Facey, and Brimah) and the future continues to be bright for UConn hoops.

  3. Interesting thoughts from ole Abe. Our first, but by no means last, republican statist president.

  4. He was against the South seceding but had no problem allowing (even encouraging) West Virginia from seceding from Virginia (even going as far as installing a puppet regime there).

  5. Gosh, so much for philosophical consistancy.

    Every since the original founding it has been about politics, political expediency, and jockeying for power.


  6. I'm wondering how long it will take for WD to publish a 20,000 word nonsensical post tracing the airliner disappearance to George Bush.

    He will cite Tomm Haryman,Thinkprogress and Huff Post as his sources.

  7. It will take him two or three days, Rusty. And be careful boy, or WD will devote a whole blog to love letters to you too.


  8. WD is too fickle dmarks....he went from Will to RN and now you are the apple of his eye....he is just way too slutty...

  9. Rusty: I wish WD would instead fall in love with political pragmatism, a rewarding career, and a big heaping plate of social skills/manners.

    For his sake.


  10. Hey Will.....I have come to the conclusion that Tom Izzo is one of the five best college any sport.


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