Saturday, February 22, 2014

These are Troubling Times in the Kingdom

There was an old expression on the playground back when I was a kid; "If your own guy says so." I strongly suggest that you take it to heart, President Obama.


  1. Maybe so Will,but they would all still vote for Obama again if he were running.

  2. dmarks, that's exactly what Mr. Turley was referring to when he referred to this administration as an "uber Presidency."......Probably, Russ, but I'd like to think that at least one of them would consider voting for Johnson.

  3. Seeing how the oppsition party (republican/tea Puke party) seems incapable of fielding a candidate with integrity, positive ideas, and has mass appeal you're probably right Rusty, they would vote for Obama if he could run again.

    And yes Will, I'd like to think some would vote for Johnson as well. Problem us both the corrupt republican and the slightly less corrupt yet just as intellectually dishonest democratic party will insure they maintain the power in their corrupt hands, alternating every so often. And the American electorate will obediently follow.


  4. I don't think the candidate matters all that much anymore.....the country just twice elected an unqualified man as president only because he was black and gave good speeches....nothing else mattered.

    I fear in 2016 we will elect a 69 year old women....only because she is a woman and her name is Clinton......not because she has done wonderful fact she really hasn't accomplished bupkis.But we will elect her to make our selves feel better.....and we will feel vindicated because back to back we elected a black guy and a woman to the highest office in the kland.....all our guilt will be gone.

    But,wait...we haven't yet elected an openly gay person,or someone handicapped,or a bi-polar depressive,or a wrongly convicted death row convict who is now proved innocent,or a Transgender Ladyboy..........shit we are missing a whole bunch we could elect to the White House who would make us feel better about electing.


  5. Does anyone remember when Reagan hit the scene? I mean when
    he hit while Carter was president.....perfect storm....bad economy.....trouble in Iran that the fearless leader did not want to touch....interest rates at 20%.....Carter asking you to turn your thermostats down......a perfect storm for Reagan...

    2016.....a bad economy.....America weak overseas...47 million americans on food stamps.....a fleckless leader.........hear comes Jeb Bush.......mark this day

  6. Jeb, Jindal, Daniels, Huntsman, Christie (providing of course that there isn't any there there) - I could potentially find any of those 5 as a respectable candidate.

  7. Rusty said: "But,wait...we haven't yet elected an openly gay person,or someone handicapped,or a bi-polar depressive,or a wrongly convicted death row convict who is now proved innocent,or a Transgender Ladyboy"

    If we use affirmative action (which is racist) or similar forms of bigotry, we end up electing someone who is good at being black, handicapped, gay, etc. But not good at doing the actual job.


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