Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Most Impressive Stat in the History of Sports?

How 'bout when Wilt Chamberlain AVERAGED 50.4 points per game during the 1961-62 season? That one would probably get my vote.


  1. Joe D hitting in 56 consecutive games.

  2. That's a great one, too, Russ. And how 'bout Barry Sanders rushing for 39 touchdowns in 11 games with Oklahoma State in 1988 (he scored a bunch more in the bowl game but they didn't count them back then)?

    1. Thanks for mentioning a great Sanders. Can't recall the last time you did.


  3. Yea...all of them good....but Joe also married Marilyn Monroe and he invented drinking coffee.

  4. Yeah, Joe did exceedingly well both on and off the field back then.


  5. Hey Will....if you want an outstanding example of "water tower material" go over to nimrods place and read his tirade against dmarks.....pure insanity.

    1. And all it took to make him spend much of the day to write the latest spittle-flecked rant was to type one single line here in this blog.

  6. I went. I saw. I left.

    No further comments.

    Except I don't believe you were mentioned specifically. Unless linking to select Contra O'Reilly post counts.

  7. Yeah, you're right. It doesn't take a lot for sure. Did you read it?


  8. Just think, if that idiot put that energy into something worth while? He would perhaps be successful.....maybe....it could happen....

    1. One thing for sure, Rusty..we are not looking at the next Jobs, the next Picasso, the next Salk, the next Sam Walton, or the next DeToqueville here...

      The next Unabomber? That might be more likely than any of the above names.

  9. The first three or four paragraphs. After that just a quick scan.

  10. No, I saw it was there. I could easily spend half a day or more on each post refuting all of his claims, but I have better things to do, and besides I have disproven all of them previously anyway.

    Thinking of Jerry and a few others... that WD is stuck in a pattern of devoting posts to "Lester, Will, Dennis, Will, Will, Rusty, Lester, Dennis, Dennis, Lester" ad nauseum, while WD's progressive friends I am sure would rather he opine about important national and world events than obsess on his one-way triple bromance.

    And what results does he get? Les and Rusty drop in to laugh at him.

    And Will, watch out for him trying to invite you to Ok Cupid too.
    I'm working on a new blog post that will be exactly has hard-hitting, exhaustive and definitive about Mr. Sanders as my recent posts on "the truth about Dervish", and the George W. Bush one were.


  11. hey dmarks....can I get an invite to your place

    1. http://inaholdingpattern.blogspot.com/2014/02/dennis-speaks.html

      ...is my latest, with the same level of attention to WD as my recent Col. Sanders and Truth posts.

      Sure...only reason I didn't before was that I don't have an email to invite to.

      By the way here is my latest:

    2. Rusty, I would have invited you a while ago but I had no where to send it. Just let me know.

  12. We will never be able to match his depravity, selective perception, vitriol, orthodoxy, intellectual dishonesty, and total lack of understanding of science and epistemology.

  13. And the guy had the total balls to Facebook friend request me.......Yeah, I'm thinking, no, wd, you total creep.

  14. He's definitely not the next Frederic Bastiat ot Ludwig Von Mises.


  15. I wonder why his family hasn't done some sort of intervention with him......might be overdue.

  16. I'm thinking, and yeah I know it's bad, but maybe a frontal lobotomy is in order?

    The dude has some real serious issues. I almost feel sorry for him. Hey, I said almost.

  17. I see his mom kind of like Eric Cartman's mom; an enabler.


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