Wednesday, February 5, 2014

On What the 35 Witnesses and Survivors of the Benghazi TERROR Attack Will Tell Us, If Given the Opportunity

They will tell us that a) there wasn't any protest outside of the consulate (and hence no spontaneous eruption resulting from it), b) the weaponry that was used was of a high-powered nature (mortar, AK-47s, etc.) and not the type of shit that an individual would simply have in their back-pocket, c) a terrorist splinter cell was claiming "credit" for the attack WHILE IT WAS HAPPENING, d) the terrorists knew where everything was and had obviously cased the facility well prior to the attack (in other words, THEY PLANNED IT), and e) the consulate itself was being used as a conduit to a gun smuggling operation into Syria and that many of the weapons probably landing into the hands of al Qaeda - none of which this President wants the American public to hear, obviously.....................................................................................Look, I don't have a problem with anybody saying that the previous President was a crappy one; naive, incompetent, whatever. But the man is gone. He is gone and it is well past time that we started holding the current President (who has patently lied to us on this and other issues) accountable.


  1. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.....

    Hillary made me ill when her and Obama were there when the caskets arrived and that bitch gave a "heartfelt" speech and still blamed the four deaths on that damn stupid the while knowing it was a planned terrorist attack....this thing is going to end up sticking to her.

    1. Blaming this video as she did shows a major lack of regard for Constituionally protected artistic freedim. The filmmaker deserves an apology and something like a Medal of Freedom. Hillary needs a remedial Constitution 101 class: flunk her until she gets it right and learns what she got wrong.

  2. Indeed. That's politics Will, the never ending cycle of BS.

  3. The worst possible scenario for Chris Christie in the bridge scenario still isn't as bad as the situation with Hillary Clinton... the Secretary of State who resigned under a big dark cloud... and whose involvement in the Benghazi scandal is shameful.

    I honestly hope both of them don't end up on the ticket for 2016...

  4. Let me also add that this gun smuggling allegation has a time-line that is WELL before the vote of Congress to supply weapons to the "moderate" rebels in Syria. Well before it and hence probably illegal. I mean, can you even begin to imagine if this was a Republican?

  5. It would be likened to Iran-Contra methinks.

  6. Yes sir and people like Shaw and wd would be going apoplectic over it (with some justification).

  7. Will: Though they frequently cross paths politically, I would not put Shaw and Col. "Burp" Sanders in the same sentence.

    Such political matters might make both apoplectic, but only WD will go outright batsh*t crazy over it.


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