Sunday, February 23, 2014

On the Recent Debate Between Bill Ayers and Dinesh D'Souza

A progressive asshole versus a reactionary asshole but at least the reactionary asshole didn't blow up a bunch of shit along the way.


  1. Bill Ayers is of the ultra fascist left. Tut type of person who would quote Stalin as a hero.

  2. I was against the Vietnam War, too, but you can never take the law into your own hands as Mr. Ayers did.

  3. And, yeah, that Stalin quote was yet another low point for a fellow whose entire life has been one giant limbo contest.

  4. He quotes one of the most evil men who's ever walked the face of the earth (a man responsible for TENS OF MILLIONS of deaths) and then gets indignant when people call him on it. How utterly pathetic.

  5. We know he is an extremist with a strong tilt toward totalitarianism and away from human rights, along with a lot of other nasty things (his racism and anti-Semitism, hatred of democracy when the people choose something he doesnt like, for abortion up to and beyond birth). But at this point..nothing new under the sun, right?

    We might have predicted his honoring of Stalin after those times he championed Maoism as meaning less police brutality.

    Derve is a perfect example of an internet troll.

  6. Who's he gonna quote next, I'm wondering; Hitler, Pol Pot, Beelzebub?

  7. Not Hitler. While Hitler was the quintessential socialist, he was on the right side. So in Derve's black-and-world in which anything to the left is good (even Mao and Stalin) and everything on the right is evil, you can guess that Derve will be anti-Hitler.

    A good and correct thing...but in the same way a broken clock is "good and correct" two minutes out of every day.

  8. "Oops, yeah, that was kind of tone-deaf on my part (the fact that the fellow slaughtered tens of million of innocent civilians, etc.). My bad." If he had simply said that, I actually would have respected the guy but instead he gets all pissy about it. So predictable.

  9. Yeah, you're right, probably not Hitler in that that would be tantamount to quoting George W. Bush.

  10. Although, didn't he say that he liked Hitler's mustache once?

  11. It was on C-Span and I thought about watching it but I had already taken a shower and my skin tends to get very dry this time of year.

  12. I saw D'Souza's movie...took most of it with a grain of salt. A movie length campaign commercial with little of interest.

    The main recent thing about Ayers is his recent statement about abolishing capitalism: he may not bomb anymore but he is definitely still out to destroy us. Has Dinesh demanded anything that is even a fraction as radical and destructive?

  13. Will: Mr. Dervish's quotation from Stalin is flat out wrong and unsupportable too. Government power has been a far worse threat and danger than "the rich".

    Stalin's quotation was part of his demagoguery to gin up fear and hatred of innocent people so he and those like him could gain from it. It is something that the Left does a lot, even in the US, when at its worst, only the Left in the US rarely demands the murder of people who stand out and are good at what they do.

    Substitute "Jews" for rich in Stalin's quotations, and you also have more of an idea of what he is talking about. And Stalin ends up sounding just like Hitler, doesn't he? It's all the same sort of hatred.

  14. Will also said: "I was against the Vietnam War, too, but you can never take the law into your own hands as Mr. Ayers did."

    Ayers wasn't against the war. He was an active combatant, having tried to murder innocent people in the US military in order to effect change. In this, he was no different from the VC. If he were against war, he would not have participated in it.

  15. I dare wd to honor that quote in front of any former Soviet citizen who had their forefathers slaughtered and starved to death by this socialist madman, and I totally agree that government is far more dangerous than businesses (a lot of the bigger ones actually having gained their advantage VIA GOVERNMENT; GE, Philip Morris, H&R Block, numerous investment banks, etc.).


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