Monday, February 17, 2014

On the Prospect of a President Santorum

I'd rather see a third Obama term and I don't like Obama.


  1. Will....there is a better chance of you walking out your front door and finding a 20 carat diamond on the ground then Rick Santorum has of getting elected president.

  2. I don't think there's a prospect of it. Like Russ Feingold, he's a failure. The people of Santy's state looked at him and his record and judged him unfit to remain in office, and executed their judgement at the voting booth. That's a hell of a big black mark on his CV.

    It'd take a miracle for him to come back. Or Feingold, too.

  3. Well, since we don't want or need another run like FDR had I'd have to say a Hillary Clinton presidency would be preferable over a Frothy Santorum presidency.

  4. He's a real long shot and so of course you guys are correct. I just couldn't resist (after hearing a recent Fox News promo) giving him a real zinger.


  5. RN brought up Hillary....I think the swords are out for her already...just imagine how many video clips there are of her.

    I don't think the dems can break out the "war on women" card for her because most don't think of her as a woman. I think Hil is going to get chopped up....but the Clintons are one fuckin tough couple with a lot of money behind them.

  6. Yeah, Rusty...and Hil left her last post under quite a dark cloud.

  7. Feingold; the only senator to vote against the Patriot Act, a
    political oddity that lost his base:
    "In a release accompanying his first radio ad in Wisconsin, Feingold's campaign runs through a laundry list of conservative supporters. "The conservative group Americans for Prosperity, the 'nation's premier grassroots organization committed to advancing every individual's right to economic freedom and opportunity' and a major backer of the Tea Party movement, praises Feingold, saying 'I applaud Senator Feingold for voting against the 2009 Omnibus Spending bill and truly respect his principled stand against wasteful earmarks.'"

    The list goes on.

    FreedomWorks, another conservative organization, called Feingold a "true fiscal conservative" and praised him for being the only Democratic vote against a 2005 pork-laden bill.

    And on:

    The conservative group Club for Growth rated Feingold the "top scoring Democrat" in its 2007 RePORK Card that scores members of Congress on their record of eliminating wasteful pork-barrel spending. In 2009, the Club for Growth also noted that Russ tied with or scored "better than thirty-nine Republican senators."

  8. I always kind of liked Feingold, too. I saw him as more of an independent than a hard-core partisan.

  9. When Col. Sanders talks of Feingold, it makes him seem like a real loon. When Will and BB talk in favour of him, it makes him seem a lot better. Is Feingold still on the extreme in the abortion issue?

    (When it comes to making the progressive side look reasonable, the Col. is as effective as if he were on the Koch Bros payroll)

  10. Feingold had his good points, kinda like Paul Tsongas.

    1. It might surprise BB, but I thought Tsongas would have been good on the Democrat ticket.

  11. I consider myself a moderate on abortion and so, yeah, on that particular issue, I probably diverge from him.

  12. Tsongas was very strong on the deficit (he and Warren Rudman being the 2 founders of the Concord Coalition).


  13. McCain/ of the worst bills passed in the past 20 years.

    1. Yeah...really dumb. It tried to torch the First Amendment, and ended up greatly increasing "black money" in politics... the opposite effect of what it was sold to try to do.

  14. I joined that coalition at one point, such as it was. A noble effort, that.


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