Tuesday, February 25, 2014

On the Lunatic Left and War Criminals

Call George W. Bush (an admittedly ineffectual President) a war criminal and then quote mass murderer Joseph Stalin, not to underscore the evil of the madman but his good 'ol common sense. Thoroughly unbelievable.


  1. I read the comment(s) discussed. WD said things about Bush that simply weren't true. As proven before. I won't go into the complete lack of a case that WD made before: from quoting antisemitic armchair attorneys to considering a child rapist on Saddam's payroll as a source to confusing off-the-cuff comments in interviews with actual UN policies.

    The real authorities on this, the International Criminal Court, have to date rejected 130 petitions/claims of Bush being a war criminal due to complete lack of evidence. This is not proof of innocence, of course, but it is overwhelming proof that there is no case against Bush to be made.

    That's enough on that. I won't be like that kook who devotes entire blogs to lying about people.

  2. Now just who in hell would do such a remarkably strange and foolish thing.?

    Hm, guess it takes all kinds. Or put another way, there is an ass for every seat.

  3. Now just who in hell would do such a remarkably strange and foolish thing.?

    Hm, guess it takes all kinds. Or put another way, there is an ass for every seat.

  4. Well said...which is why you said it twice, I think.


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