Monday, February 3, 2014

On Chris Christie Being a "Vengeful Bullying Asshat" and President Obama Not Being One

Hm (and even conceding the former point), you might want to tell that to the 3 dozen witnesses and survivors (a large chunk of them working for the C.I.A.) of the Benghazi terror attacks that have been forced by the federal government to sign nondisclosure agreements (the purpose of which being to keep them from talking to the media and to Congress, obviously) and take almost weekly lie detector tests to verify their compliance to it (this, according to CNN's Jake Tapper, Robert Baer, and Drew Griffin). You just might get a different point of view from them.


  1. It is unlikely we will ever know the full and unvarnished story.

  2. Because the "Chicago machine" which produced Obama, and that Obama is every bit a part of, is known for the politics of kindness, compassion, and turning the other cheek, right?

  3. This is one of those things that really does deserve to be Wikileaked.

    Get the secrets out.


  4. FOX is the only media outlet keeping this story breathing.

    The left is trying hard to bury it by discounting any negative mention of Obama or Hil associated with the attack.

    I don't think the story is going away and it will be tied to Hillary....usually with these things someone starts to talk.

    1. Rusty: Fox News is in a position of being a voice of dissent against the most powerful ruler on the planet. In this they deserve support. Damn those like that Progressive Soup guy who want Fox silenced. That's bootkicking.

  5. Mr. Griffin also has multiple sources saying that the C.I.A. annex in Benghazi was being used as a gun-running operation into Syria. Can you even begin to imagine if something along these lines had happened with a Republican President?

  6. And what kind of a paranoiac stooge would try to assert that these 3 respected and independent journalists at CNN (not exactly a right-wing bastion) are somehow part of a "hoax" or a "conspiracy" to get Obama? It would have to be a majorly lowlife one, right?


  7. Actually I thought the IRS story would get people stirred up, seeing that 99% of the population is scared shitless of them and I doubt if many Americans can point to Benghazi on a world map......I mean that woman from the IRS took the 5th....shit,only mafia dons take the 5th.

    1. The IRS scandal it all about government threatening dissenters with a fine (a tax penalty). WD labels it "electioneering" when individuals criticize the rulers around the time of an election, and he wants it strictly controlled.

  8. wd's evidence that Benghazi is a hoax? Yep, you got it, Media Matters!!

    1. Media Matters is a branch of the Hillary campaign. Of course they would say this...

  9. There are frigging documents now that categorically prove that Obama was briefed by Panetta and Mullen that it was indeed a terrorist attack and that Mr. Obama lied.


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