Saturday, February 15, 2014

Fox News's Biggest Moron (Other Than Hannity)?

I'm probably going to have to go with Colonel Ralph Peters. This is a fellow who actually DOES have "Obama Derangement Syndrome" (this, as opposed to people who criticize Mr. Obama but who don't pile on). His latest pile of idiocy has to do with the fact that Mr. Obama has taken all of the U.S. troops out of Iraq and, because of this action, he now blames Obama for that country's recent slide back into chaos................................................................................It's absurd, and it's absurd on a number of levels. a) It was President Bush who signed the Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq, NOT President Obama. b) Obama actually wanted to keep a contingent of troops there but the Iraqi government said, no (what, we're supposed to leave troops in a country that doesn't want us to be there, forever?). And c) it really didn't matter how the hell long that we stayed there. We could have stayed 100 years and it still would have fallen apart in that Iraq isn't an actual country and of course there was going to be tumult in the absence of a stabilizing force and/or dictator..........................................................................................Yes, Obama has done a lot of stupid things in office but this isn't one of them, in my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. He is a bit of a crank and a crackpot .
    Aside from being a good writer of
    military history though, IMO, his
    credibility in critiquing the military is crippled by his non-combat service in the intelligence branch, basically
    a paper-pushing 'spook' in uniform. I read somewhere that
    some congressmen who were veterans had written fox news asking that he be fired. Wouldn't that be like KFC giving up chicken?


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