Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Bill O'Reilly's War on Pot, Continued

He's at it again, folks. This time his strategy is to come up with all of these "unintended consequences" of marijuana legalization laws and of how our society will unquestionably come apart at the seems because of them. It's pathetic and I don't even know where to frigging start...........................................................................First of all, it's way too early to determine the impact of these laws in Washington and Colorado and, while, yes, his anecdotes are interesting, statistically they're meaningless at this point.  And, second of all (and, yes, far more important), the dude has never once looked at the "unintended consequences" of the current policy (i.e., the drug war); the fact that it's blown a massive hole in the deficit, increased violent crime dramatically, put a shitload of lower level peons in prison, etc.. I mean, I know that Mr. O'Reilly likes to live in this mythical time-standing-still oasis and all but in a (supposedly) free society isn't it at least occasionally better to ere on the side of liberty, for Christ?


  1. Mr. O'Reilly makes me lean all the more toward legalization. Thanks Bill!

  2. The Leprechaun is smoking way too much of the green weed methinks.


  3. Bill does get a bit silly on occasion.

    But,he is still way ahead of Spitten Chris Matthews who has been nonstop Chris Christie everyday for the past three weeks.


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