Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Sweet Fruits of Victory 2

UCF coach George O'Leary just landed another one, folks. Lance McDowdell, a 6'4" 300 pound defensive tackle from Nassau Community College in Garden City, New York (and one of the top 70 junior college players in the entire country), has verbally committed to the Knights and it is believed by many that this kid will be an immediate contributor....Man, oh man, is it ever looking like UCF is rapidly turning into the Boise State of the East.


  1. Get a life, wd. Or at the very least stay on your own side of the ward.

  2. Given WD's comment on my blog (deleted) in which he said

    "....But maybe Will or Lester were kind enough to send him some shots of their naked privates?..."

    he might have problems staying in his own bed, let alone his own side of the ward.

  3. Yeah, his December was spent writing thousands of words of gay sex fantasies peopled by himself, his imaginary friend Dennis, Noam Chomsky, you, someone named "Lester", Santa Claus, and even Rusty. It all sits there, quotable, in my spam filter. I really stopped reading it around Christmas day. Perhaps as a result, he has stopped sending me any.

    Or perhaps he realized the irony treating a blog he called "boring" as if it was the most exciting thing in the world by attempting to post so many homoerotic love/hate letters to it.

    Also, he might realize that he won't get any friends as long as he acts like a total idiot all the time.

  4. Well, his profile did concede that he was anti-social.


  5. Maybe George can update his resume now......oh wait,he already did that.


  6. I'm sorry....George paid dearly for his problem..... America loves a good comeback story...

  7. Georgia Tech's fortunes have petered out since he left and UCF is flying high with him. Yeah, he's a pretty darn good coach.


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