Friday, January 31, 2014

Shoot the Messenger but Only Wound Him, Please

That "Duck Dynasty" dude is obviously an idiot (not to mention, a homophobe) but what the fellow said about African-Americans wasn't entirely inaccurate. Yes, blacks have far more rights than they did in the '40s and '50s (especially down in his neck of the woods) and their poverty rate has been cut in half (a trend-line that started well before the Welfare State and then veritably halted with it) but other indicators such as the illegitimacy rate (which has essentially quadrupled), the incarceration rate (which has more than quadrupled), and the quality of education (back in the '40s and '50s inner-city schools in places such as Harlem, which produced a Thomas Sowell, and Philadelphia, which produced a Walter E. Williams, gave their students a quality education and there weren't any coppers patrolling the halls back then, either). Maybe instead of categorically rejecting everything that a person outside of our comfort zone has to say so automatically, we ought to take at least a minute or two to digest it first.


  1. Your are not going to believe this but the "Duck Dynasty" guy Phil Robertson was the starting quarterback for his college football team and his backup was Terry Bradshaw.

    I saw Bradshaw talking about this on a sports show this week and he had pictures of them in uniform.

  2. - The poverty rate in the late 18th and early 19th century was pretty damn close to 100%. It was only when the U.S. and the rest of the west opened up to free markets, property rights, enforceable contracts, the rule of law, etc. that these rates started coming down and started coming down down precipitously. Not only did the Welfare State put a halt to this (it may have continued coming down but only for a year or two), it also coincided with a rapid escalation in the illegitimacy rate. Thank you, progressives.

  3. - Per the Urban Institute. Poverty was 15% in 1964 and it is 15% now. Exellent work, guys!

  4. This "idiot's" homophobic stance is pretty close to Obama's in 2008.

  5. Guess my previous comment went to spam or got lost in cyberspace.

  6. You know what, dmarks, Obama's stance might be even worse in that it was probably arrived at via political consideration (you gotta think that the guy has always supported marriage equality but was afraid to admit it for fear of losing votes).............I apologize, Les. Sometimes a good comment will get swept away alongside the idiocy from wd and I really need to be more careful about that. Sorry, again.

  7. Will: I had a lengthy argument with an Obamanaut back then who argued that Obama wasn't against gays, but supporting the anti-gay agenda of the time for political reasons.

    Pretty much what you are saying.

    However, I am not sure if one can say that a corrupt politician who bashes gays thru legislation for political reasons (Obama) is any better or worse than an ideological zealot who hates just to hate.

    Perhaps the zealot is better. The zealot might change his mind and stick to a more reasoned cause. The oily politician like Obama will just shift to keep power.

  8. I understand, the same has happened to me as well.

  9. Will said: " Sometimes a good comment will get swept away alongside the idiocy from wd"

    He's like a clown car of canardery, isn't he?

    By the way, WD is quick with the lame spelling flames. He sure blubbered a bit at my misspelling of canardery. It is now corrected.

  10. He's crashed that clown car so much that there isn't a single insurance company willing to cover him now (he's of course blaming the plutocrats for the situation).

  11. LOL!

    Clown Car, Insurance, Plutocracy... Indeed

  12. How many Jeremiads is he sending you lately per day, Will?

    WD has pretty much stopped sending me gay love letters. I wonder if the specific request that he stop doing it, along with sending all that he has sent me to an email address of a department I found at Google that deals with sexual harassment.

    It's for his own good. I can shrug off his lengthy description of his semen in private messages, but it's not healthy for him. He needs to find another hobby.

  13. I'm nor exactly sure how many. It's quite a few, though (one of his latest tactics is to send the same message multiple times).

  14. Multiple times? Yeah..Mr."I don't send spam".Sanders.

  15. He did it again today. Sent something, I read the first 3 words to determine it was some sort of cut-and-paste spam. Flushed.

    If anything, there might be an improvement. I don't think he talked about his penis in it, nor did he use his pet name for me, nor did he talk lustily about Noam Chomsky's naked body. And yes, he has done all that in the past.

    If he keeps it in his pants... er, keeps up the improvement, it might be a positive sign....

    Nonetheless, the "clock" by which he will be allowed to post comments on my blog has been reset again, for 30 days from today.

  16. And one profanity-laced rant... it was his profanity-laced rants that made my initial ban on him pretty much permanent. I don't think rants using his man-crush pet name for me, and sexual expletives are the proper path at being allowed to comment, like the rest of the normal people.


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