Tuesday, January 14, 2014

On Will Hart Being Referred to as a "True Believer"

It is one of the most imbecilic accusations of recent memory. a) I'm a registered independent who identifies with no particular political party and whose primary purpose is to solve problems. b) While I strongly prefer market-oriented solutions to American economic problems, I am hardly an anarcho-capitalist or Mises style libertarian (the fact that have strongly advocated government involvement in healthcare, shown at least a modicum of support for the negative income tax, supported a graduated income tax, etc.). c) I have consistently praised a great number of Democratic Presidents and candidates over the years (Cleveland, Truman, Kennedy, Clinton, Al Smith, Paul Tsongas, etc.) and criticized a fair number of Republicans ones (Hoover, Nixon, Reagan, Bush 2, McCain, Romney, etc.). d) I have consistently praised bipartisan efforts (the Concord Coalition, Simpson-Bowles, Rivlin-Domenici, No Labels, The Third Way, the Wyden-Ryan compromise on Medicare, etc.) for quite some time now and have even put forth a couple of my own; on taxes, debt consolidation, Pentagon reform, abortion, etc.. I mean, I know that there are morons out there who, in an effort to distract the folks from their own ideological rigidity, are bound and determined to castigate others as such (and I do try to have a certain amount of compassion for them) but in this instance a correcting of the record is mightily in order and I thank you for your patience.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes Will you have. But neither conservatives or progressives, republicans or democrats will tolerate anything but their ideological perspective and by considering all views and occasionally walking the middle line (bipartisanship) you are considered not taking a stand.

    Both "camps", and that is really what they are, demand blind loyalty to their "cause." It is BULLSHIT but that's the way partisans like it and it is what they demand.

    This nation is in for some very troubled times, we've just started to see it so prepare for much worse. Including possible extreme civil unrest and vigilante mentality.

  3. Progressive goals but with free market solutions is kind where I am right now, and at odds with both of the parties apparently.


  4. Jesus Christ on roller skates....I think RN needs to up his meds....."civil unrest?" America is too lazy to unrest....too many getting free stuff.

    Poor RN for some unknown reason is "unrested" and pissed off at the world...hell,he may be on his way to dinner at the Sanders table.

    Will is a true believer....a believer in a good football or basketball game.....Will is a man in full....

  5. "
    Jesus Christ on roller skates....I think RN needs to up his meds....."civil unrest?" America is too lazy to unrest....too many getting free stuff.

    Poor RN for some unknown reason is "unrested" and pissed off at the world...hell,he may be on his way to dinner at the Sanders table.

    Will is a true believer....a believer in a good football or basketball game.....Will is a man in full...."

    Right Rusty CrapTurd. You can't win your argument at my sight, not that it was an argument, being merely pure troll bullshit, so you come here to place your droppings.

    Your just a cheap two bit jackass Rusty CrapTurd. Dervish Sanders alter ego. Mow. FO.

  6. RN: When Rusty said: "hell,he may be on his way to dinner at the Sanders table.", I thought it was fancy language for him saying you were gonna get a bucket at KFC.

    Anyway, it is pretty bad when Dervish Sanders is held up as the ultimate example of canardry, dishonesty, and other blogger calumny.

    And I have to say, it is Rusty at this time who is even going in that direction at all, not RN. Rusty's obsession with Shaw Kenawe's hindquarters, you do have to admit, has a similarity somehow with Dervish Sander's attempting and failing to post scores of messages about c*ck at one blog, probably more.

  7. Anyway back on the subject:

    "Progressive goals but with free market solutions is kind where I am right now..."

    One of the main progressive goals is the growth of the private sector (along with enrichment of public sector union members along with a complete lack of job accountability for them).... and the resulting diminishment of the private sector. Supposedly to crush plutocrats, but it is mainly small businesses that die like flies.

    Am I correct to assume, Will, that this is definitely not a progressive goal that you want?

  8. No, rampant public sector growth is definitely not a goal of mine. In fact, there seems to be a at least a slight negative correlation between the size of government and economic growth (from 1992 to 2012 the Germany economy grew by 61% and the U.S. economy by 147%, one example).

  9. Will... playing BB here. I think Germany is a special, case in Western Europe, due to the dynamic of free Western Germany having absorbed socialist East Germany just a few years before the start of your period. The eastern part, crushed by socialism for several decades, had no where to go but up, and up it did go.

    Do you have similar stats for a country that didn't have such a radical change in territory around this time?

  10. I haven't crunched the numbers but I would have to say that Japan with it's lost decade of the '90s (lost because of their foolish adherence to Keynesian principles) is probably even lower than Germany. Ditto, Spain with its idiotic green agenda.


  11. "Rusty Crap Turd?" Why Lester,are we cross? I don't think I could bear it if we were cross.

    RN....you really should try a get a grip on your anger issue's.You may very well be water tower material.

  12. So sayeth Jackass Rusty CrapTurd. What twaddle you spew.

    Anger? Naw, just speaking the cold hard truth about you.

    Now... FO


  13. My,my.....this hate speech from the "deep thinking ex-plt mgr."
    I think maybe he managed a solid waste facility.....such anger from a deep thinker....

  14. Grow up. It's about time for you to don't'cha think?

    Naw, RCT doesn't think at all.

  15. Don't let El Cunardo (different from Canardo.... note the Duck specialization) get you down.


  16. Sorry dmarks,but I think your buddy RN is a pompous blowhard.Tries to put himself above the fray....never takes a stand,unless of course its on something that would never be viewed as contrary.

    Yep,he's one of those people you'd like to buy for what they are worth and sell them for what they think they are worth.

  17. RCT is a fraud, a troll at my site, a dickweed, and a POS. A pimple brain like RCT does not get me down, rather he gets my adrenalin pumping. He is a primo example of what is ailing this nation. He had many friends in his lunatic fringe right as well as many antagonists in the lunatic fringe left.

    RCT is just a bunch of rip roaring comedic relief. The dude is just to dumb to know it.


  18. Great googa mooga.....ole Rusty has been called lots of things over the years....but,"pimple brain," "primo example." This deep thinking former plant manager of the solid waste facility is one demon with the witty quips.I guess he is just to shallow to realize how idiotic he sounds.

    Has anyone actually ever met a "dickweed?"

    And Lester, the 1970's called...they want that shirt back....the one in the "publicity" photo.

  19. "This deep thinking former plant manager of the solid waste facility"

    Mansger of a solid waste facility. That makes me think of the person who runs the Sleeping at the Enemy blog, the well known sh*tbowl with its massive angry-obsessed-bromance section devoted entirely to Will Hart. Not of RN.

  20. Don't trip now trying to get our of your own way RCT.

    Just look in the mirror RCT and ye shall see a dickweed.

    Shallow, once again RTC you are but projecting.

  21. FYI, it was a Corrugated Plant dmarks, not a waste facility. But I am quite certain RCT doesn't know the difference.


  22. Lester,you date yourself,along with that shirt.

    I will see a "dickweed" if I look in the mirror?

    My god you pompous fool....do you really think anyone cares about Ayn Rand? You quote that outdated hag and think yourself a deepthinker? That's as out dated as that that shirt.

  23. Are we seeing a Rusty Dervish or something? Has WD, completely dry of credibility under his own handle for months on end now, taken to faking others IDs again?

  24. RCT, you simply make things too easy. You have virtually nothing to say so you talk about shirts and off topic BS. You're a joke and a waste of time.


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