Friday, January 24, 2014

On the Recent Sarah Silverman, Jesus, Birth-Control Skit

I would have respected her more if she had shown some real cojones and tossed good old Mohammed into the mix. That, and it probably would have been funnier as well.


  1. Or the Quaker extremists, or the Jain extremists.

  2. Rusty: It was announced yesterday that the nearby winter comedy festival was to be headlined by Rosie, in a few weeks.

    My first thought was. "I thought comedy was supposed to be funny!"

  3. She was actually kind of funny (looking) dressed in leather in that Dan Aykroyd bondage comedy.

  4. Or the Flintstones when she looked more like the brontosaur than the cartoon Betty Rubble.

  5. Yeah, I think that Betty had a real strong lawsuit on that one.


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