Friday, January 24, 2014

On the Government Being "The People"

So, it was "the people" who murdered tens of millions in Nazi Germany, in Stalinist Russia, in the People's Republic of China under Mao, and who also murdered hundreds of thousands and millions more during the reigns of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, the Three Pashas in Turkey, Slobodan Milosevic in Serbia, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Idi Amin in Uganda, etc.? Wow, the people really mustn't care for themselves very much.


  1. ""On the Government Being "The People"

    Those who think that have taken an extreme view that rejects the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the entire American experiment.... and have gone to cozy up with the likes of Chairman Mao...

  2. But they couch it in familiar jargon such as "We the people."

  3. yeah. thinking of one person who uses "we the people" to mean just a few of the elites at the top.

  4. And most of whom seem to be residing in Maryland and Northern Virginia coincidentally.

  5. "... Khmer Rouge in Cambodia"

    Don't forget also that Noam Chomsky, as the Khmer Rouge was underway, said that they were doing good things for the country. And after the atrocities were known, he called these atrocities "alleged". The same sort of wording neo-Nazis use when denying the Holocaust.

    These murderers of tens of millions have their enablers, their "German American Bunds" in the free world. The Chomsky's, the Francis "Frances" Boyles', the Ramsey Clarke's, and those of similar ilk.


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