Sunday, January 26, 2014

Not to Shaw 4

Oh, what the hell, I will say it. Yes, I DO think that the American electorate is quite stupid and quite irrational in that they have consistently shown an anti-market/pro-government bias, an anti-free-trade/pro-protectionism bias, and a anti-production/pro-make-work bias. That, and they have so shamelessly and moronically rewarded those politicians who have pandered and promised to them the sun, the moon, and the sky that the debt is now well over $17 trillion....A Republic if you can keep it as Franklin used to say.


  1. We can hardly expect the electorate to respond to "We will
    send your job off-continent and blame you when you can't find work" candidate.

  2. As Bastiat says, BB, there's the seen and the unseen and if we base our decisions only on the former we are screwed. Economists don't agree on much but they do agree that protectionism is lethal and that it has never brought prosperity.


  3. This damn Global Warming has half the country freezing their asses off.

    And yes Will,the average American voter is on a par with a sack of rocks.

  4. I just want to know where all those women with uncontrollable libidos hang out. Maybe Huck knows?

  5. And I'm not sure that it's the candidate who's shipping the job overseas unless you think that it's up to him to make it illegal and then of course the business will either go out of business or move to another country and then there'll be zero jobs.

  6. BB: If it's someone demanding to be paid $20 or even much higher for a job worth $12 or so, then this person surely is to blame for a job being shipped off continent... or to North Carolina or Mexico.

    We already saw the consequences of Big 3 workers demanding $60 an hour for very low quality work....

    (Hello Hyundai!)

  7. And there have been 2 recent studies (one from UNC Chapel Hill and the other from Dartmouth) which have shown that businesses that outsource actually grow jobs faster IN THIS COUNTRY than businesses that don't.....There are a crap-load of moving parts to this thing and the progressive wing of the Democratic party unfortunately only sees things linearly.

  8. Hey, Les. No offense to the former Governor but I just don't see him having a whole lot of info on the subject. I could be wrong but I doubt it.......His predecessor, now that's a different story!!

  9. Yeah Will I believe you are right. By the way, did you catch my update comment on Huckabee's remarks. Taken in context the dems position falls apart. I got egg on my face.

    I still disagree with some of his positions. Just for the record.

  10. RN said: "...I got egg on my face..."

    That's certainly no reason to be embarassed. It's refreshing, really. There are way too many who stick to what you have been lately calling "The Narrative", regardless of the facts.

    I appreciate being called it when I get it wrong too...

  11. And those who never admit egg on their face are likely the ones whose face is most likely covered with egg.

    This can be a chicken-and-egg question, of course, if egg is on the face of one Dervish "Colonel" Sanders, whose "egg-on-face, but never admit it" stance is quite strong.


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