Sunday, January 19, 2014

If a Boer Falls on the Prairie and Nobody....

Genocide Watch has officially moved South Africa from level 5 (polarization) to level 6 (preparation) on its genocide watch list. This was done in response to the thousands of murders of white South Africans (over 60,000 by some accounts since 1991), especially the Afrikaner farmers, and to the rhetoric of groups such as the Economic Freedom Fighters led by former ANC Youth Director, Julius Malema; "A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate." "The honeymoon is over for white people." "We need to kill them like they killed us." Hell, even South Africa's President Jacob Zuma has gotten into the act with his own personal rendition of "Shoot the Boer, kill the Boer."..........................................................................I mean, I know that we're not supposed to care about this, blacks killing whites (the Boers, especially) and all but you'd think that at least we would have heard about it some and we haven't. Political correctness (with a murderous edge) anyone?


  1. Exactly.,WD argues that there must be racism against whites in order to "level the playing field" This is just an extension of that general idea.

  2. The exact # of deaths has been difficult to arrive at due to the fact that the South African government has stopped keeping track of the race of the victims. The data that I've been able to uncover says that, while the Afrikaners take up 9% of the population, they represent 40% of the murders (farmers have especially been targeted).

  3. The whole sub-Sahara seems fraught with tribalism, corruption and violence. Much of the violence is internecine, but
    even prior to the Boer War
    there was organized anti-colonial
    activity. Such continued on with the Mau Mau in the 50s, and as you note continues in South Africa. As I understand it, most
    of the good farmland is hereditary white owned, farmed with black labor, hence the resentment. Lack of a good law enforcement infrastructure as well as the isolation of the farmsteads makes it a very scary
    situation. Doubtful, given the history of the continent, that any meaningful solution (such as commandos, formerly employed by
    white farmers) will be found soon.
    Reminds a bit of those frontier
    farmers in colonial America, sitting ducks for Iroquois, Shawnee and the like. So much for human progress....

  4. At least from some of the footage that I've seen, a lot of these farmers don't look rich and they appear not to have black employees. Maybe the rich ones have it better off and are safer.

  5. Will: Just like affirmative action in the US, which punishes whites who (like these lower class farmers) aren't possibly involved in any kind of oppression at all. Purely racist.

  6. Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe is another genocidal madman in Africa and he doesn't seem to care if you're white or black (and, yes, he especially wants to slaughter you if you're gay).


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