Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Ya' Want Deaths?

Try THIS system - http://www.fee.org/library/detail/socialized-health-care-the-communist-dream-and-the-soviet-reality/#axzz2oRVI5q6v


  1. They do, indeed. And if you try and go outside the system and pay with cash they kill you.

  2. Somewhat worse than Hillary Clinton's rotten healthcare plan. It included prison time for patients and doctors seeing each other outside the plan (but at least it didn't include murder). Quite repugnant, and revulsion to it caused a Congressional sea change in the 1994 election.

    And thankfully, introducing such gulag healthcare plans (and related single-payer schemes) has become a sort of third rail in American politics.

  3. Don't certain western democracies have single payer?

    Fear, a strong motivator. The problem with single payer rests mostly with the inability of its proponents to see the flaws.Therefore the fix remains illusive.

  4. RN: Yes, they are further down the unfortunate path of statism...

  5. RN said: "The problem with single payer rests mostly with the inability of its proponents to see the flaws"

    Seems a fair enough assessment...

  6. Like the flaw about cancer deaths being significantly higher in England than in the U.S..

  7. Or the huge flaw of unaccountability, which is a major drawback to any monopoly, and most especially artificially-maintained ones.


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