Thursday, December 26, 2013

wd and the Devil Had a Kid

Named him Moochifer.


  1. You get the gist of what he sends me, if you dare think of how this kid was conceived. Toss in graphic descriptions of body fluids, and the frequent Will Hart or "Lester" and occasional Koch Bro or Santa Claus in the orgy, and you get an idea of his creative bent.

    (And Jerry and others surely wonder why he doesn't blog about progressive issues any more, and instead writes Will Hart and "Dennis" fanfic that never gets published)

  2. I of couse gave him ammunition here.......I just thought that it was a pretty good joke, that's all.

  3. Don't worry about giving him ammo, Will... We all know he will shoot himself in the foot repeatedly whether or not you give it to him.

  4. The Devil went down to Georgia...

    Or something along those lines...

  5. "In Soviet Georgia, fiddle plays Devil!"

    Sorry, could not help it. But you have to admit, it takes attention off the sad little man in the basement.

  6. He's easy to spot. He was the one guy climbing over the Berlin Wall trying to get into East Germany.


  7. I think we all realize WD is just a tad deluded.....but,it seems he has gone off the rails.

    A couple years ago he came to a stout defense of Anthony Weiner,saying that sending pictures of you junk was perfectly acceptable.Now,I guess he was doing the same exact thing.

    His only ardent supporter is "Big Ass" Shaw who commends him for his insightful writtings

  8. Also easy to pick out... He sees footage of Dennis Rodman hanging with the North Korean dictator, and says "Damn! Wish it was me there!"

  9. Rusty: As if it makes a difference, WD has not tried to send me photos. He is just a prose version of Anthony Weiner. When I last checked the spam pile, he was sending me several gay sex fantasies per day. If he didtry to send links to photos, I never saw them ( due to only seeing the first sentence or so of his hundreds-of-words-long compositions) and know better than to click on his links anyway.

  10. Question, Will. Since there is a lot of nuttery going around, and it often comes up.

    What do you think of the idea of flunking any student who thinks:

    1) That there is any controversy that evolution is a fact.

    2) That there is no scientific debate over global warming/climate change.

    3) That Bush didn't win the election in 2000.

    4) That Obama isn't a born US citizen.


    Keeps most all the crazies down, doesn't it, Will? Simple litmus test of qualifications to enter society.

  11. Got 5 or so from WD today. The first seemed to be some sort of Merry Christmas thing. The rest were typical genital musings. I made this assessment looking at the first sentence or so sitting in the moderation box, before I flushed them all to spam. This review and flushing took all of about 7 seconds total for all of them. That's the least I can do in attention to his maximum-length hundreds of words per emails.

    I am sure if I took the time to read the Christmas wishes, he'd be talking again about what was in someone's pants.

  12. I delete his comments (without reading them) with about as much emotion as flushing a bug down the toilet, possibly less.


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