Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Truth Taking a Beating

The amount of misinformation that gets sullied around at major colleges and universities is quite alarming. One of the more persistently bogus claims is the one that's constantly made by feminist and women's studies professors in which it is alleged that 30% of all women's visits to emergency rooms is due to domestic abuse. To say that this statistic is off is the understatement of the millennium. Knowing fully well that it was patently absurd from the get-go, Christina Hoff Sommers from the AEI contacted the Centers for Disease Control and got a letter back saying that the actual number was .02%, a 150,000% discrepancy. Please, try and find me a larger factual error than that one, I beg you.


  1. How about the error of claiming that am industry that is paying a massive amount of taxes, but is paying an amount slightly smaller than a hypothetical larger amount ( due to a tax break)... is somehow receiving welfare? That is indeed a massive error.

  2. Probably apples and oranges in that the one that you provided is a logical error and the one that I provided a numerical error. But, yeah, I do kinda see your point (allowing somebody to keep more of their own private property/earnings is in no way shape or form welfare).


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