Sunday, December 1, 2013

On the Evidence that Fidel Castro, The Mob, LBJ, The KGB, Etc. Somehow Conspired to Kill JFK

Where in the hell is it; this evidence? The FBI has done tens of thousands (this, according to Vincent Bugliosi) interviews and they have yet to uncover one scintilla of evidence that any of these individuals had any contact whatsoever with Lee Harvey Oswald. And why in the hell would anybody even think to go to such an amateur and loser in the first place if they wanted to assassinate ANYBODY? It makes absolutely no sense AT ALL. That, and the fact that the route of the motorcade had only been determined three days prior to the damned event. Hello!


  1. Of course, it is much more believable that "such an amateur and loser" could do it all by himself with no help from others.

  2. On this, Jerry is correct as he states it. Though, from his reputation of deviation from facts, he is probably being sarcastic.

  3. you hit on the head Will...The only physical evidence ever recovered links to Oswald. Investigative teams using computer animation, laser sights and the Zapruder film have recreated the assassination in minute detail. Oswald did it period. Show me the evidence that proves otherwise. Gerald Posner and Vincent Bugliosi have shown other theories are just that...speculations without merit or evidence.

  4. There seems to be a conspiracy theory for everything.

  5. its actually a lot harder, more complex, Jerry, to seek out the facts as Well and Marcus do here. The lazy man's, the Jerry's way out I'd to just make up stuff or uncritically buy crackpot fabrications without any screening or discernment.

  6. You're absolutely right, Marcus. The only bullet fragments that they found on the scene all came from Oswald's gun and the trajectory of the entrance wound lined up perfectly with the window of the book depository. This was purely and simply a crime of opportunity (Oswald had actually applied for 6 jobs in October and it was only via connections with his land-lady that he got the book depository job) but it is a lot more comforting, I gather, for guys like Jerry to think in much grander terms.

  7. I would also add that Oswald was an expert marksman who scored 48 and 49 out of 50 on 2 of his shooting tests while in the Marines. That, and the dude could have EASILY gotten off 3 shots in the 8 second time sequence.

  8. Nothing remarkable on the grassy knoll, either.


  9. I still think it was Col.Mustard,in the library with the candlestick.

  10. Finally, a conspiracy theory that actually makes some sense.

  11. Personally I like Darth Vader and the Empire Strikes Back for a grand.

  12. Jerry takes this kind of thing seriously ( the fake/ joke JFJ claims) . The rest of us laugh.

  13. The Dark Side of the Force is no less real, after all, than a second gunman, a third... or the importance of the Grassy Knoll as anything other than an enigmatic place name.

  14. You guys shouldn't pile on Jerry too much...I was into conspiracy theory until I watched Oliver Stone's movie JFK in 94. Then I came across Posner's research and changed my mind. Over 80% over Americans believe Oswald did not act alone of which its evenly split between Dems and Repubs...fascinating stuff but ultimately the simplest explanations are usually the correct ones....

  15. Thanks for the support Marcus, but they have just piled into a lump of stupidity since I never stated a position one way or the other on the JKF conspiracies. I was merely questioning Will's characterization of Oswald as an amateur and a loser.

  16. I don't believe that I was part of the piling on, Jerry.......And it certainly does sound as if you were leaning conspiratorial in that 1st comment of yours.......As for Lee Harvey Oswald being an amateur (apart from his marksmanship) and a loser, seriously, you question THAT? The murderer of one of our finest Presidents?

  17. So, we have two that agree that JFK was one of our finest Presidents. Wonder what Jerry thinks. And most especially what BB thinks, since I suspect he has the largest perspective.

    I apologize Jerry: I read more into your stance than you intended.

  18. Given in the intelligence and security surrounding a sitting president, let alone a moving one, the successful assassination of a president is not the act of an "amateur and loser" person.

  19. Jerry, it was a crime of opportunity. Oswald worked at the book depository (and, please, keep in mind here that the fellow had also applied for 6 other jobs that month) and that just happened to be the rout that the President took. I mean, what are you insinuating here, Jerry, that somebody in the government was working with Oswald and that that person somehow was able to rearrange the motorcade to a place where Oswald could take a shot at him? Really, Jerry?

  20. dmarks, it sounds like you might be saying that BB is the oldest (a factoid that doth relieve me greatly).

  21. I am not insinuating anything. I am merely making the observation that the successful assassination of a sitting president is not the act of an amateur and loser type of person. It is a very skilled act and extremely difficult to successfully carry out.

  22. He was a good shot, I'll give him that, but the dude couldn't hold a job and even the Soviet Union didn't want him. Sorry, but I'm going to have to stick with, loser, on this one.

  23. Given the security arrangements in 1964, I don't think the logistics of the assassination were open car, a well publicized, fixed route...if Kennedy were president today, a ride like that through Dallas would NEVER happen.

  24. 50"years from now, that is what people will be saying about security measures taken now. That does not mean it is easy now or easy 50 years ago.

  25. I'm sorry, but a convertible and an open shot is easy, Jerry. And I'm still not exactly sure what YOUR theory is?

  26. I'm still not entirely sure where he's going with this thing; second gunman, working for Joe Bonanno, what?

  27. The difference is, Will, that Jerry is running on some gut feeling that he is so far unable to defend, and the rest of you are using evidence and facts.


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