Thursday, December 5, 2013

On the Chris Matthews Interview with President Obama

Didn't suck his wiener long enough.


  1. More support for my informed opinion that it is better to have media that are critical of the ruling elites (as Fox News has been for the past 5 or so years) than media that fawn upon and worship them like what you saw in the Hunger Games movies. NBC News is an example of the latter: the Pew Trusts did a study and found NBC News to be little different from ObamaCo press releases.

    Of course, the same positive description gets applied to NBC when Republicans are in power.

    Those who think it is terrible for the media to criticize the President are really missing the point, and aren't a very good excuse for a citizen.


  2. What did you really expect from Spittin Chris? MSNBC was the only place Obama could go knowing he would only get softball questions,I mean the guys approval rating is under %40.

  3. To be fair and balanced (and I do try to be), the same exact thing could be said whenever Senator Ted Cruz ventures over to Hannityville (I just find the Matthews situation sadder in that the guy used to be nonpartisan).


  4. You are correct about Hannity Will.....but Ted Cruz isn't POTUS

  5. Yes... a fraction of his power.


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