Saturday, December 14, 2013

It's the Math, Stupid

Medicare and Medicaid are unquestionably the 2 major drivers of all future debt, and if they are not reformed and reformed expeditiously, WE WILL GO BROKE. I mean, just take a look at the numbers over the past 40 years and the projections 10 years onward. According to the CBO, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security represented only 4% of the total GDP in 1970 and by 2020 this is projected to grow all the way to 11%. That is totally unsustainable and for former speaker Pelosi to say that her plan for Medicare is "Medicare" is quite possibly the most idiotic statement ever uttered by an American politician this side of GWB.....................................................................................Oh, and if that stat isn't quite persuasive enough for you, try this one. In 1970, discretionary spending was 62% of the budget and mandatory spending (not including interest on the debt) was 31% of the budget. By 2010, those numbers had essentially flipped to 38% and 57%, respectively. How ANYBODY can say that we don't have major problem here is beyond me...................................................................................Jason Fichtner of the Mercatus Center with the noxious messaging - Please, don't shoot him.


  1. How about we replace these completely with coverage for healthcare for the needy (those who can't cover it themselves)... and no shell games, dishonest budgeting, unlocked lockboxes, untrustworthy trust funds... and just fund it honestly from the general budget?

  2. Health savings accounts for those who can afford it. Subsidies for those who can't. And keep the third payer parties out of it except for catastrophic care (which is what insurance is supposed to be for anyway). That would be my suggestion.


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