Sunday, November 17, 2013

Duke 48 Miami 30

Duke (one of the most rigid academic schools in the country) is 8-2 now and if David Cutcliffe doesn't get some serious consideration for national coach of the year, then there really needs to be an investigation. The end.


  1. I wonder which team had the higher SAT scores?

  2. I was also checking out the GPAs of some of those Duke recruits over the years and let's just say that they aren't too shabby, either; 3.8, 3.9, 4.0.


  3. Yes Will, its impressive schools like Duke and Stanford can also have very good and clean athletic programs.

  4. And you gotta throw Vandy and Northwestern in there, too.


  5. True Will.......but,Chief Osceola and FSU are gonna knock the snot out of Alabama.

  6. Yeah, but they gotta get past the Dukies first, Russ - I'm kidding!

  7. Seriously, though, I am so sick and tired of the SEC and would totally love nothing better than to see your prediction come true. Go 'Noles!

  8. As long as they can keep their quarterback out of handcuffs, they'll be fine.


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