Monday, November 11, 2013

A Spate of Troubling Facts, Addendum

As you can plainly see, once the family income exceeds that threshold of $62,041, it is far, FAR, more economically advantageous to simply live together than to marry....A stimulus package for divorce lawyers, let's call it.


  1. There's nothing new about a marriage penalty. The federal income tax has had one for decades. You know what? People still stay married anyway. I doubt that another marriage penalty, although not fair (whatever that means), will not result is a big "stimulus package" for divorce lawyers.

    Continue your red herring hunt elsewhere.

  2. A red herring, Jerry? Fine, then let's start taking the $11,028 out of your wages.......And how many more examples of the idiocies in this law do you need before you think that maybe the politicians mucked it up here?

  3. Ask President Clinton his views. Oh, that's right, he's already weighed in. To the chagrin of the Obama administration no doubt.

    Different issue perhaps but the point? The shit keeps piling up.

  4. I agree that it isn't a "red herring" to point out the many things wrong with this legislation. If only the Republicans weren't totally wasting their time trying to repeal it. I wonder what's going to happen when this sucker crashes and burns? You think there is any chance we can get rid of it?

  5. Les, I don't think that Clinton likes Obama very much and this is just another example of his passive aggressiveness toward him. Me, I kinda enjoy it.............I don't know what's going to happen, Barlowe. My suspicion is that it will crash and burn because the young people will see that it is simply another blatant redistributionist policy and refuse to bend over. Of course the left will then advocate a single payer approach and the battle will be waged over that.

  6. I suggest smart brokers in government begining asking questions of the Swiss on how their market based universal health care system works, and successfully.

    But noooo, we in America would rather sit with our heads up our ass, talk about the evils of socialism while we spends billions upon billions on the MIC and foolish foreign aid.

    Go figure...


  7. Its more then Clinton's dislike for Obama.....Bubba is putting space between Hilary and Obamacare.Clinton and his crew are the best politicians the Dems have.The dullards in Obama's white house couldn't get through the front door if Bill and Hil lived at 1600.

  8. "market based universal health care" - I do like the sound of that, Les.............Good point, Russ. The last thing that Miss Hillary needs is the stench of Obamacare moving forward.


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