Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Race to the North

Whenever anybody brings up the racist past of the Democratic party, the left is always quick to point out that these were the Southern Democrats and that their lineage eventually found its way more to the Republican party. Yeah, well guess what? Woodrow Wilson was from New Jersey and he was amongst the most virulent racists in American political history. a) His writings are absolutely littered with racist sentiments (one of the dude's quotes is actually used in the 1915 film, "Birth of a Nation"), b) he supported eugenics and campaigned vigorously for the compulsory sterilization of not just poor blacks but the mentally retarded, and c) as President, he championed segregation and racial discrimination all throughout the Federal government...........................................................................And Wilson was far from the only progressive thinker (from the U.S. and England) who espoused such sentiments. Margaret Sanger, John Maynard Keynes, H.L. Mencken, George Bernard Shaw, Teddy Roosevelt, and H.G. Wells also advocated such things as eugenics and isn't is about time that this nasty side of the progressive movement got a little exposure here?


  1. And then the republicans brought the dixiecrats on board and Walla... you have today's realities.

  2. So what? It was long ago and progressives have learned and moved on...unlike others.

    1. Yes, long ago. Yes, some have failed to move on. Many more have moved forward.

      Progressives love to pat themselves on the back. I know, it give comfort.

      Carry on Jerry

  3. Probably the earliest eugenics practices involved genocide among the primitives. The Darwinians provided further excuses and it was indeed popular thinking in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. That type of thinking
    will likely reoccur as genetics,
    gene splicing, epigenetics etc become more sophisticated. Heck,
    from genetic wheat and frankenfish to smart kids,
    revitalized seniors and test tube
    soldiers. Big job ahead for the
    bioethicists. Humans tend to push mother nature.

    1. Humans do indeed push the envelope. Sometimes for good sometimes maybe not so much.

      One thing is certain, we remain human.

  4. Just correcting the record. And have the progressives really moved on, Jerry? Or have they simply segued into a softer (yet equally virulent) form of bigotry?

  5. You tell me...and what record are you talking about? Are you trying to create conflict where there is none?

  6. I believe that Jerry is talking about the Tea Party, Les, saying that they are racist and that the progressives are far more enlightened.............Jerry, the record that I am talking about here is the contention that the racist Democrats were strictly Southerners and that they all eventually became Republicans. a) The fact that Wilson was a Northerner refutes the first part and b) the fact that dudes like Wallace, Gore Jr., Fulbright, and Maddox remained Democrats right to the grave-yard refutes the latter.

  7. Who is contending that the racist Democrats were "strictly" southerners and that they "all" eventually became republicans? Strictly and all? Is your world really that absolute?

  8. Every argument that I've ever encountered has articulated both of these assertions and if you yourself hold a different one, I commend you.

  9. What's so funny, Jerry? It's a stock argument; the racist Democrats were the Southern ones (the Dixiecrats) and they eventually became Republicans (Strom Thurmond being the only major one that I've been able to uncover).

  10. There was a 'Southern Strategy', the brainchild of Kevin Phillips which was not interested in turning politicians but voters.
    In his mature years, Phillips has done a volte-face; skewering US
    politics in his lifetime; one of my favorite authors.


  11. Jerry is from the Dervish school......cant believe or say anything negative about the left.

  12. BB, I get this strong feeling that Mr. Phillips doesn't like the Bushes very much. You, too?............Russ, you've heard that argument, right, that all of the racist 20th Century Democrats were Southerners and that they all eventually became Republicans?

  13. Just for the record, I give the first President Bush a B and the second one a D/D-.

  14. the quotas the Dems support are explicitly racist too. A manifestation of bigotry.


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