Saturday, October 19, 2013

Yeah, I Would Say that CO2 is Very "Green"

The evidence is overwhelming that an increase in atmospheric CO2 would be beneficial to the planet. Keith Idso of Arizona State is a researcher who has done an exhaustive literature search on the subject and has shown categorically that the growth rates of most plants (92%) in both ideal AND stressful (i.e., excessive heat, limited water, etc.) environments improved massively when the CO2 levels were doubled from 360 ppm to 720 ppm (if anything, he found that the growth rates were BETTER when the stressers were high). The fact that we still have uneducated politicians, activists, and bureaucrats out there who are slopeheadedly trying to demonize this important building-block is embarrassing and, yes, here's to hoping that it doesn't take another 16 years (the current amount of time that the CO2 - warming relationship has failed the test) for the public at-large to wise up and demand an end to this idiocy.................................................................................P.S It also must be stated that a copy of this research was sent out to all 100 U.S. Senators (back in the late '90s) and the vast majority of them (Lincoln Chaffee, Hillary Clinton, Lindsey Graham, etc.) obviously just sat on it, the dullards.


  1. Canardo (the Colonel) Sanders mentioned you in very unfavorable light in regards to this touchy environmental subject. As usual the Colonel made little sense. Unless...

  2. Things are never quite as simple or one dimensional as you would like to think. Perhaps you should look at the ongoing Jasper Ridge Global Change Project being conducted at Stanford University.

  3. He's insane, Les, majorly.......And I would instruct you to look at the real world, Jerry -

  4. Is this a lead-up to government support for CO2 producers? :)

  5. And there isn't a significant relationship between CO2 and warming anyway (the fact that the world emitted dozens of gigatonnes of CO2 from 1940 to 1975 and the planet actually COOLED 3-4 tenths of a degree C), Jerry, and so don't sweat it.

  6. As an opponent of subsidies, I would certainly hope not.

  7. Though I would point out that the countries which do produce the most CO2 also have the longest lifespans (leading me to believe that it is a lack of progress and not a plentitude of it that will eventually do us in - nuclear war, the obvious exception).

  8. So, we should try to increase our output of CO2? Seems like it would be good for agriculture.

  9. Who is John Galt? Hmmm....
    just a guess. Donald Trump? :)

  10. I would probably go with Howard Roark's alter-ego, Les.......Could very well be, Steve. It would also be good for the 1.6 billion Africans, Asians, and Latin-Americans who don't have running water and electricity - you know, the individuals that radical environmentalists don't seem to care about much.

  11. Do you guys recall just how hot that Patricia Neal looked in "The Fountainhead"?


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