Thursday, October 3, 2013

The CO2 - Global Warming Theory Deconstructed

a) The present day warming trend started in the late 17th century, well before any human-induced CO2 contribution could have happened.............b) Yes, we experienced a rather pronounced spike in temperatures from 1975 to 1998, but that trend-line wasn't any more pronounced than previous spikes; 1695 to 1735, 1860 to 1880, and 1910 to 1940.............c) Temperatures have not shown a significant increase in 16 years and the warmest year on record (according to the satellites and radiosonde balloons) continues to be El Nino's 1998 - this, despite the fact that man-made CO2 emissions have skyrocketed by some 28%.............d) The ice core data has consistently shown that it is the warming which precedes the increases in CO2 and not the other way around (the warming of course being natural and caused by things such as ocean currents, solar forcings, volcanic inactivity, plate tectonics, cosmic rays, planetary perturbations, etc.).............e) From 1940 to 1975, the planet actually cooled by nearly a half a degree Celsius - this, despite the fact that man-made CO2 emissions skyrocketed in the post war era.............f) It is a scientific FACT that the relationship between CO2 and warming is a logarithmic one and that the biggest jump in temperature happens in the first 20 ppm.............g) It is also a scientific fact that CO2 essentially becomes saturated (with infrared radiation) at 400 ppm and that even if you doubled it to 800 ppm the warming would be minimal.............h) Yes, it is true that CO2 can have an amplifying effect on water vapor but it is also true that this effect can be one of increased cloud cover and therefore a negative feedback.

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