Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Some Points Pertaining to Atmospheric CO2

a) Combustion of fossil fuels is only one of the sources for atmospheric CO2. Most of the other sources are poorly documented.............b) 96% of atmospheric CO2 comes from native sources.............c) Satellite analysis of CO2 by region shows that most of the highest ppm readings are NOT located in populated, industrialized regions but in regions such as the Amazon basin, tropical Africa, and Southeast Asia.............d) Net increases in atmospheric CO2 per year vary immensely; from nearly zero in 1993 to nearly 3% in 1998 (not so ironically the year of El Nino).............e) The divergence of atmospheric CO2 and temperature has been absolutely unequivocal for 16 years now and, for more than half of the years from 1880 to 2010, the 2 variables also diverged in opposite directions.............f) It is a well established fact that the IPCC cherry-picked 19th Century CO2 levels in an effort to make the baseline look small and the 20th Century increase humongous.............g) According to Princeton professor, William Happer, U.S. submarines (which often keep their sailors underwater for months at a time) are currently allowed a CO2 level of upwards of 8,000 ppm (the point at which the red light starts blinking), and this has in no way been deleterious.............h) It is a well established scientific fact that higher CO2 levels invariably lead to improvements in both crop yields (the major reason why it is pumped into greenhouses) and overall vegetation.

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