Wednesday, October 16, 2013

On Shaw's Strange Recent Attempt to Conflate the Republican Party of 50 Years Ago to the Republican Party of Today

I found it utterly offensive. The Republican Party of 40-50 years ago was loaded with statesmen; Everett Dirksen, Jacob Javits, Howard Baker, Lowell Weicker, Ed Brooke, Chuck Percy, Jerry Ford, Margaret Chase Smith, John Anderson, Dick Schweicker, Warren Rudman, Millicent Fenwick, Nelson Rockefeller, John Heinz, Dwight Eisenhower, etc., and to try and somehow lump them in with the likes of Louie Gohmert, Sarah Palin, and Ted Cruz was simply just another piece of partisan idiocy, in my opinion.


  1. It is what progressive revel in and are reduced to in their current glee.

    Best to just ignore it.Well, maybe not so much.

  2. Indeed; Millicent Fenwick was no
    Sarah Palin.


  3. Shaw is just a typical leftwing nut. She cannot even glance at the other side,let alone stray from her party line and talking points.

    She is really just a one trick pony.....Shaw is a person you would like to buy for what they are worth.....and sell them for what they think they are worth...


    I suggest everyone peruse the FACTUAL DATA provided in the above link.

    Since the Presidency of Jimmy Carter (Carter included) the top three Presidents INCREASING the National debt (in descending order) are:

    Reagan - 188.6% Average annual 14.2%
    Bush #3 - 89% Average annual 8.3%
    Bush #1 - 55% Average annual 11.7%

    Now for the sitting President: 53.6% Average annual 11.3%

    Interesting, factual, and without the BS hyperbole.

    Is America is smart enough to figure things out without Cruz, Gohmert, Reid, and Pelosi?

  5. Whoever this "Shaw" person is you refer to... I say you are correct and Shaw is wrong. The Republican Party of today is very different. I used to vote Republican until George W ran the second time. That's when I started voting Libertarian.

  6. She cherry-picked this admittedly terrible ad that some Republicans ran against JFK and tried to say that this was proof that the Republicans have always been sleazy, ignoring what was probably the sleaziest (and from that same era) ad of all time that was run by LBJ against a good and decent man in Goldwater.

  7. And in the current vein that sleazy Bill Burton ad that tried to blame Romney for some poor bastard's wife's cancer death.......Oh, and welcome to Contra O'Reilly, Steve, libertarians always welcome.


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