Wednesday, October 30, 2013

On Obamacare Mandates

I get it to a point but when you start mandating that 60 year-olds carry maternity coverage and Mormons carry alcohol and drug rehabilitation coverage, you're really starting to get into some soft fascism there and at that point my support for it ends (period, to steal a phrase from Obama himself).


  1. My support that never really was suppor, it was more a wait and see give it a chance position, has just about reached the point where I'm thinking just maybe ACA supporters and America was actually the president. BIG TIME.

  2. Yeah, I probably worded that wrong. I'm not a supporter of the law, either (I much prefer the approach of John Mackey at Whole Foods), but I am willing to accept certain mandates just as long as they aren't idiotic in their absurdity.


  3. "bamboozled"......The ACA is a cluster fuck.....a 60 year old male must have access to birth control.....if you like your current healthcare you cannot have it unless it contains everything the government says you should have......


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