Sunday, October 13, 2013

On the Crazy Person's Assertion that Ed Schultz ISN'T a Radical, Ignorant, Leftist Version of Glenn Beck

I stand corrected. Beck has a much better sense of humor, isn't anywhere near as mean-spirited, and doesn't foam at the mouth remotely as much (though, yes, I still maintain that they're both extremely paranoid).


  1. Both are out there. Shultzy so far one can only conclude he is certifiable.


  2. Shultz,Matthews,Sharpton,Maddow,Hayes and O'Donnell.....the executives at FOX must be laughing their asses off

  3. I can't imagine that a sensible liberal would watch Ed Schultz and conclude that that was good for his or her brand.

  4. Shultz doesn't have near the following that Lonesome Rhodes , er Beck, has. Most liberals I know don't watch talking heads or listen to talk radio.

  5. We've certainly come a long way from Buckley and Moynihan, haven't we?


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