Sunday, October 6, 2013

On the Assertion that a 1 Degree Celsius Rise in Temperature in a Century Will Lead to Mass Extinctions

It's absurd. It didn't happen during the previous interglacial. It didn't happen during either of the Holocene Warming Optimums. It didn't happen during the Minoan, Roman, or Medieval Warm Periods. It didn't happen in central England in the early 18th Century when a 2.2 degree Celsius rise was noted. AND IT ISN'T HAPPENING NOW! IN FACT, according to a 2007 article in "Bioscience" (Botkin, et. al.), we are currently living through a period where overall extinctions are probably at a relatively low ebb and that, while human activity may be a factor in some species dying, CO2 most assuredly ISN'T the driving factor (an absolutely absurd notion on its face).


  1. CO2 is about as much of a pollutant/poison as sunlight, oxygen, and water are. The fact that there are actually people out there who think that one of the key bulding-blocks of life is going to somehow cause an armageddon is utterly bizarre.

  2. And please be advised here that we are talking about a still relatively low level (historically speaking) of 396 ppm and that farmers frequently pump vastly more than this amount into greenhouses to foster plant growth.......That and I would also remind people that the warming effects of CO2 are of a logarithmic nature and that once you get to over 400 ppm the overall effect is minimal (at that level CO2 has pretty much absorbed all of the infrared radiation that it can).


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