Tuesday, October 15, 2013

It's What They Get for Listening to Hannity, Addendum

And here's the key point, folks. If these damned Republicans had simply started these budget negotiations from where they presently are (i.e., eliminating those special carve-outs, getting rid of the medical device tax, etc.), they probably would have been able to pick off a fair number of moderate Dems like Manchin (who I'm really starting to like a lot), Warner, Pryor, McCaskill, etc. and maybe something constructive would have eventually happened (i.e., a sensical piece of legislation that Obama would have been forced to sign for fear of looking like an asshole). But NOOOOOOOOOOOO, they had to play hardball and let this lunatic, Cruz, call the shots. Unbefrigginglievable.


  1. Cruz and Gohmert 2016.

    The reactionary wing of the republican party is so frigging bad, so delusional, so tyrannical, and just plain stupid that I actually hope they do influence their leadership to support something that nutty.

    The party of Ike and Goldwater is self destructing. And they either Don't care.or are too dumb to realize it. I'm guessing it is the former. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts corrupts absolutely The loonies in the R party have been infected by the desire for absolute power.

  2. Just look at the way that Johnson and Huntsman got summarily dismissed so quickly.


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