Friday, September 13, 2013

Those Who Can, Do, Those Who Can't, Sue

"Engineers build things. Lawyers sue people who build things. One of the greatest challenges in the making of a smart, forward-looking, no-regrets energy policy in America is the paucity of knowledgeable people in positions of power on Capitol Hill and in Washington who truly understand energy (in 2007, there were 60 lawyers in the Senate and only 3 people with engineering degrees)."......Robert Bryce, energy journalist/expert 2010.


  1. "Those who can, do.
    Those who can't do, teach
    Those who can't teach, teach teachers
    Those who can't teach teachers, administrate."


  2. Well said dmarks....reminds me of "consultants"......don't have the stuff to do the job...just talk about doing it...

  3. And in the public school system incompetent people get promoted and the Peter Principle is alive and well.

  4. Thanks to the tenure system, even if the incompetant don't get promoted in public schools, they still get paid as much as those who excel.

  5. As is the peter principal alive and well in America's private sector businesses and corporations.

    However that is a subject for a different day, and one RS is unlikely to approve of.

    Something about templates.

  6. Seems to line up with the perceptions of most folks .

  7. Interesting link, BB. I wondered about "advertising practicioners" coming in as so reviled. People who make Lexus and McDonalds ads came to mind: hardly villainous figures.

    Then I figured that this category must include telemarketers and spammers... the lowest of the low.


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