Wednesday, September 25, 2013

On wd Saying that He's "Not going to bother composing a serious comment if it isn't going to be published" Over at Les's Site

Being that he's written literally hundreds of comments here that he KNOWS aren't going to be published, the man is either a liar or he's admitting that the comments that he does leave here aren't serious (and more along the lines of harassment). Either way, he's showing himself to be the unemployable mooching little true-believing lowlife that we already knew about.


  1. Mr. Sanders isn't a serious person, nor is he always truthful. As to him commenting at my site? More make the spam highway than get published. However, being the reasonable and equitable person I am Mr. Sanders, contrary to his falacious contention has not been banned. On the rare occasion he does leave a postable remark it will be published. Unfortunaly what Mr. Sanders thinks is substantial and or meaningful most of the rest tend to disagree.

    But for those who wish to be awed by a cornucopia of meandering progressivism Sleepling with The Devil is the place to be.

  2. "Unfortunaly what Mr. Sanders thinks is substantial and or meaningful most of the rest tend to disagree."......Yeah, I hear ya'. Kind of like when he said that we should have agreed to turn bin Laden over to some council that had the Saudi royal family, Muammar Gaddafi, the Palestinian Authority, Hafez al Assad, and the Mullahs of Iran amongst its primary members.

  3. RN said: "But for those who wish to be awed by a cornucopia of meandering progressivism Sleepling with The Devil is the place to be."

    Just be careful. If you swim in the sh*tbowl, you know what youw will covered with when you get out.

    WD is also shifting his false story. "Weiner Dervish" at first said he didn't send any comments about penis matters. Then it was one. Now he has admitted to several. Soon the count will approach the actual number I received during the couple of weeks of his phallic obsession.

    Will, you are referring in your reply comment to what is accurately summarized as "turning Bin Laden over to a theocratic tribunal of fellow terrorists".

    Which would be akin say, to catching someone like Eric Rudolph and instead of trying him in a proper, secular court of law, turning him over to the Christian Identity Movement and the KKK for "justice".

  4. One can certainly make a credible argument Mr. Sanders may very well be certafiable. Certifiably off his rocker.

  5. That would be the one, dmarks, an argument that also ignores the fact that there were countless others in the network and training facilities that also needed to be annihilated.


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