Friday, September 27, 2013

On Scientists and Creationism

While, yes, there are clearly many scientists who strongly believe in God, and who therefore believe in creationism in that sense, there are simply no reputable scientists who still believe that the earth is less than billions of years old. I'm sorry, but there just aren't.


  1. So, you are saying that all reputable scientists believe the earth is less that billions of years old? Really? I bet I can find a reputable scientist who believes the earth is more than two billion years old. General consensus (I know you don't like those words) puts the age of the earth at over 4 billion years.

  2. Jerry, I think that you misunderstood me (or maybe I wasn't clear enough). I was saying that reputable scientists DON'T think that the earth is less than billions of years old (4.7 billion is the number that hear most frequently). The tone of this post was meant to be ANTI creationism.

  3. Thank the Lord (no pun intended) for Turkey, BB. Thank the Lord for Turkey.

  4. Kansas and Kentucky (home of the 70,000 square foot Creation Museum), too.

  5. Ahhh, but you said NO reputable scientists...DON'T believe the earth is less...

    Double negatives can get you in trouble. But don't give it no nevermind.

  6. Will tried to slip a lie by and Jerry called him on it... again!

  7. See, this is the difference between you and Jerry (and why we all seem to like him and detest you). He accepts it when a person makes a mistake and doesn't go looking for some ulterior motive (probably because he isn't mildly retarded and/or paranoid) like you constantly do. You really do need to get some attention, fella'.

  8. Now Will, we've discussed this before. It does no good to allow Mr. Canardo Sanders to drag you down to his level. Simply accept him for what he is, make your point respectfully, and then ignore him. He is demonstrably and certifiably off his rocker.

  9. The long comments that he leaves get booted immediately but the shorter ones I accidentally see from time to time. Yeah, I pretty much lost it on this one (it was late).

  10. Yeah, his wordy word salads certainly deserve the boot. I pretty much do the same now. However, to my great suprise as well as satisfaction Mr. Canardo Sanders' last few unpublished canards really weren't that long.

    Come to think of it he hasn't commented at RN USA in several days. As you can see Mr. Canardo Sanders hasn't been missed.

    I'll bet Mr. Canardo Sanders is one very solitary and lonely dude.


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