Wednesday, September 11, 2013

On President Bush Once Having Said that Both "Sides" of the Evolution "Controversy" Should be Taught in Schools

How embarrassing that the leader of the free world would say something that anti-intellectual. Intelligent design isn't even remotely scientific (the mere fact that it is untestable) in nature and for the President to have placed it on an equal footing with evolution was an abomination. The fellow obviously didn't listen to his fine science adviser, John Marburger.


  1. Attempt to strenthen (or bring back) "the faith", by institutionalizing it. The founders must have turned over in their graves.

  2. Pandering to his voter bloc probably. I give him credit, though for the appointment of Judge Jones, who decided the Dover Case-
    "[A]n interesting theological argument” but is not science for many reasons: it invokes a supernatural cause; it relies on the same flawed arguments as creationism; its attacks on evolution have been refuted by the scientific community; it has failed to gain acceptance in the scientific community; it has not generated any peer-reviewed publications; and it has not been the subject of testing or research."

  3. It is real real dumb. I wonder how the current President might answer a question on something that actually is a controversy: global warming. I am guessing he might come down on the dogma-not-science side, and want no controversy mentioned at all. The equivalent of Bush being even worse and demanding that only "creation science" be taught.

  4. By the way, Will... which is worse:

    Bush pushing for science-damaging dogma, with no related destructive public policy (other than dumbing kids down)

    Or Obama, pushing for science-damaging dogma (which dumbs kids down), along with a related extremely costly, corrupt, crony-capitalist policy which causes massive job loss along with soaring energy and food prices?

  5. Yes, scientific consensus says evolution is correct.

  6. You're mentioned in yet another SwTD post. wd surely seems to have an obsession with you. Sorta Weird.

  7. Thanks for the comments, guys. Just got back from Portsmouth NH, Newburyport MA, and Gloucester MA. Most totally awesome.

  8. Did you get to Innsmouth MA or Arkham MA?


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