Monday, September 2, 2013

On Industrial Scale Reliable, Affordable Energy

It is a life-saving value that we shamelessly and moronically take for granted. I mean, just take a look at the way that our lives were PRIOR to fossil fuels, hydro power, and nuclear (these 3 sources combining to give the world 96% of its energy). It was abject misery; famine, starvation, lawlessness, back-breaking work, deaths from the heat, deaths from the cold (up to 40 cords of wood were needed just to get through the winter), diseases up the ying-yang. Of course it is still very much like that for over a billion people on the planet and the solution from all of these environmentalists is what exactly; solar panels on huts, windmills, keeping away from these starving people valuable biotechnology that could largely eradicate starvation, blindness, malaria, and soil erosion? Yeah, that sounds like an excellent plan.

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