Sunday, September 8, 2013

I Am Going to Put this Into Words that Even an Imbecile Can Understand

a) Yes, I was against the Iraq War and, yes, I continue to think that it was a stupid idea, especially considering the boneheaded implementation of it; deBaathifying the government, disbanding the military, nation-building, making deals with the extremists, etc..............b) You're the one, wd, who introduced the variable of humanitarianism (spinning for the current occupant of the White House simply because he's got a D in front of his name). My only point was to say that if humanitarianism was the rationale for this episode, then a much, Much, MUCH, MUCH, MUCH stronger humanitarian case could have been forth against Saddam Hussein who routinely raped, murdered, and tortured his people and who actually tried to eradicate the Kurds. I still probably would have opposed the intervention (fearing that it would strengthen Iran and possibly cause a civil war within Iraq) but we'll never know, now will we, because that's not what Mr. Bush emphasized.............There, does that clear it up for you?......Oh, and this constant defense of mine for Bush centered around 2 rather rudimentary things; a) that he isn't a war criminal (especially given that you're so quick to defend the equally questionable tactics of FDR, LBJ, and Obama) and b) that the dude doesn't hate poor people (the fact that entitlement and social spending both skyrocketed under the man). It would have been nice if you had included this in your post but neither is it surprising that you didn't.


  1. Will,you know you cant reason with that idiot.

    I have never seen one individual so scorned by so many people.

    Only Jerry (Igor) and Flying Jerkoff come to his defense and those two are a pair to draw to.

    I honestly believe WD is a disturbed person. He lives in a world of conspiracy....some of the idiotic things he puts effort into are scary.

    He's a symbol of what's happening in this country when there are enough social programs that allow a WD to suck off the public teat, affording him the time to write a couple 40,000 word postings each week.

  2. "I honestly believe WD is a disturbed person. He lives in a world of conspiracy..."

    But Rusty, how do you know he is not actually many? Have you considered the possibility that this game with Truth 101, Anon, Steve, and other unknown personalities are actually a put on, that they are one in the same? That they are are all Dervish Sanders?

    Oh yes, that right, I believe you just intimated such a possibility.

    It really it is all a game Rusty, and whether they are one in the same or not who knows? Who cares?
    Likely you are right, wd/DS is just one strange and POSSIBLY disturbed individual. I HIGHLY doubt however he is representative of the majority of Americans.

    As to Jerry and Flying Junior, you do them a disservice. Neither are wd/DS, although because of the label "progressivism" they PERHAPS feel obligated to support his BS even when they know different.

    So yeah, the dude is really a looney tune character. My recommendation, just don't visit any longer.

  3. I obviously agree with your assessments, gents.............Oh, and, Jerry, I would personally not put him into the same category as wd. Yes, they agree a lot of the time but there's also a huge difference in terms of tone and I've even found some common ground on occasion.

  4. I told the idiot that I don't read his comments anymore and yet he continues to send them, en masse. My God.

  5. I've seen Jerry appear forlorn that WD rarely anymore opines on the issues of the day. Yeah, he devotes his posts to a rotating rogue's gallery of 4 or 5 victims.

    Out in the real world, perhaps the most dangerous foreign policy crisis in 50 years is going on. But that will have to wait: WD would rather write 40,000 words on what he thinks of what he thinks Will thinks of him, or what he suspects Rusty might be up to. And then there's the issue of shitheadedness, more important than Syria and deserves half a dozen posts by the time it runs out.

  6. You can rest assure that whatever Obama does, he'll spin it as favorably as possible/blame it all on Bush.


  7. RN,IMHO you think way too highly of Jerry and Flying can run around around trying to be everyone's blogging buddy.....but for Christ sake,take a position on something.

    I don't want to get in a pissing contest with you...but it's clear where I'm coming from....yet you seem to be some sort of arbitrator....I have no idea what you were plant manager of but I run a business with over 2,000 employee's and four different unions.....I want the most work...with the lowest cost...and the highest ROI....if the employee's are happy with their pay and benefits god bless them....if they aren't,they can read the want AD's in the paper.So all your bullshit about resolving union grievences by singing Kumbyay are just that....bullshit.


  8. It seems now that Putin has made Obama his bitch.

  9. He's (Putin) also given both the Congress and the administration an escape hatch and if I were Obama, I'd take it.

  10. ".....I want the most work...with the lowest cost...and the highest ROI....if the employee's are happy with their pay and benefits god bless them....if they aren't,they can read the want AD's in the paper.So all your bullshit about resolving union grievences by singing Kumbyay are just that....bullshit"
    ..your employment ads must be a wonder to behold!


  11. Oh Les...are we cross? I dont think I could bear it if we are cross. I know,lets have an arbitration.

    1. Cross? Why of course not. Perhaps you are though. But really, as I so clearly and forcefully stated earlier... I don't give a flying fuck. Either way.

      In the meantime back at the thinking spot. When you're ready to think outside the straight jacket that is your box let me know. I provide you with directions.

      Until then, I don't give a flying fuck.

  12. RN, you have spent too much time swimming in WD's shitbowl. Calm down, man.

  13. It kinda reminds of of a classic Mickey Rourke line from "Barfly", "Girls, girls (or guys, guys in this case), come on. There's no reality to any of this. Let's have some drinks, listen to some jukebox music."

  14. Tired of flatulence that seems to emanate from unthinking purely partisan robots. So, I'm taking a stand. A strong straight forward full steam ahead wrecking ball
    Rusty Schmuckelford got me started. Thanks Schmuck.


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