Monday, September 9, 2013

A Profile in Common Sense/Courage

Yeah, he barely looks old enough to vote, period. But Connecticut's junior Senator, Chris Murphy, is currently displaying significantly more in terms of wisdom than his elders in the administration/State Department. Yes, I'm referring specifically to the way that he recently stood up to Secretary of State, John Kerry, in the Senate hearings pertaining to Syria. I especially admired his thoughtful analysis on just exactly what a strike against Syria could potentially produce in terms of unintended consequences (more ferocious strikes against the citizens, strikes against Israel and Jordan, growing anti-American sentiments, the dragging in of Iran and Hezbollah, a felt necessity to arm the rebels, a chance for further American involvement a la Vietnam, etc.) and of how little a limited strike could actually accomplish. No, the fellow hasn't been in office very long but if he continues to show a level of independence such as this, I, as a Nutmegger myself, will be exceedingly happy.

1 comment:

  1. He sounds a bit like Feingold-
    " In any event, I oppose this resolution because of the continuing unanswered questions, including the very important questions about what the mission is here, what the nature of the operation will be, what will happen concerning weapons of mass destruction in Iraq as the attack proceeds and afterward, and what the plan is after the attack is over."
    "We are about to make one of the weightiest decisions of our time within a context of confused justifications and vague proposals. We are urged, Mr. President, to get on board and bring the American people with us, but we don't know where the ship is sailing."
    Feingold is no longer a senator,
    so watch out young man, honest politicians are a rare breed.


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