Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Cutting of Some Slack

Actually, I can't really blame wd for not wanting to debate Mr. Lindzen. Gavin Schmidt tried (in the PBS Intelligence Squared debate) and got his head handed to him (just ask the audience)............................................................................Not that I'm necessarily one of those "my experts are better than your experts" folks anyway in that I actually look at the facts; the fact that the satellite and radiosonde balloon temperatures have flatlined in spite of a 28% increase in CO2 emissions, the fact that the ocean temperatures courtesy of the ARGO system have also flatlined, the fact that global sea ice as measured by the University of Illinlois's Arctic Science Research Center has stayed pretty much steady, the fact that there has been no measured hotspot in the upper troposphere of the tropics, the fact that additional radiation has been exiting the atmosphere, not less, etc.....................................................................................And the real "conflict of interest" here is the tens of billions of dollars that have been going to state "scientists", renewable energy businesses, and the big banks which stand to make a killing off of cap and trade. 

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