Friday, August 16, 2013

Progressively Insane!

This Chris Hayes fellow is a total rush. He talks in one of his self-promotional ads about the "challenge of climate change" and what exactly we can do to "beat it" and it was like, "Dude, you can't beat climate change. It's a phenomenon that's been happening for 4.7 BILLION years. I mean, I know that you and your fellow ramrods think that the government can solve basically anything and all but in order to accomplish THIS, you're literally going to have to learn how to control the solar cycle, sun spots, ocean currents, plate tectonics, cosmic rays, lunar cycles, galactic cycles, planetary perturbations, above-water volcanic activity, underwater volcanic activity, clouds, bacteria, geomagnetic sun activity, peat fires, etc., etc., etc.. Dude! Ya' just might want to aim a little bit lower here."


  1. And of course Mr. Hayes is talking about man-made CO2, you moron. That's the point. He's emphasizing this ONE singular cause of global warming when the actual scientists know that there are a huge multitude of causes, the vast, vast, VAST, percentage of which are far beyond our control.......And has he not looked at the data? We have increased our CO2 output by 28% during the last 12 years and the temperatures have flatlined. That and CO2 has never been a major driver of temperature ever (especially when one increases it from 27 thousandths of 1% to 39 thousandths of 1%). Mr. Hayes simply doesn't know the science and the only reason that he's advocating this garbage is to increase government.

  2. "This Chris Hayes fellow is a total rush"

    Is the last word supposed to be capitalized?

    " moron..."

    Were you addressing pond-scum unwanted commenters, or switching to directly address Hayes in the last part of the sentence after referring to him in the third person earlier in the sentence?


  3. No one has ever seen Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow in the same room together......Hmmmmmmm


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