Saturday, August 31, 2013


Yeah, I would say that the fellow qualifies. a) His Generation Investment Management firm was largely established by Goldman Sachs investors and 7 of his chief partners are actually from Goldman (they teamed together to start the Chicago Climate Exchange). b) 14 green tech firms in which Gore invested in received and/or directly benefited from more than $2.5 billion in loans, grants, and tax breaks from Obama's renewable energy initiative. c) He owns a 20 room, 8 bathroom mansion in Tennessee (exclusively powered by fossil fuels) and a multi-million dollar luxury condo in San Francisco (Tipper got the second mansion - valued at $9 million - in Santa Barbara). d) He's a senior investment partner in one of the world's most successful venture capital firms, Kleiner Perkins. e) He's tight with many folks in the Obama administration; climate change czar, Carol Browner, and Jonathan Silver who spearheads the clean energy loan program, for example (the latter having helped Mr. Gore raise some cash). f) Gore's investment into green energy coincided perfectly with the government's largest investment ever into green technology ($80-90 billion). g) Generation Investment Management's earnings quadrupled from 2008 to 2009. h) One company that the firm invested in (Johnson Controls) received $300 million in direct aid from the federal government. i) Mr. Gore sold his cable television network, Current TV, to Qatar owned al Jezeera for a profit of some $70 million AND he snuck it in just prior to his taxes going up.


  1. But, he's liberal which makes this all fine, and, he invented the internet.

  2. He was worth a million and a half when he left the White House and he's worth $200+ million now. That's meteoric and at least a little suspicious, I say.

  3. He'd never "play on our fears" would he?

    1. Of course not. After all he's an enlightened progressive plutocrat whose only interest is in saving the planet from catastrophic global warming and saving mankind from itself. For this benevolent fatherly goodness shouldn't he reap huge capitalistic rewards and become fabously wealthy?

  4. I'm not entirely sure what Mr. Gore believes at this point. One minute he says that the sea level is going to rise 20 by feet and the next minute he's building a mansion a stone's throw from the ocean. My suspicion is that the man is just ignorant and isn't aware that warming causes CO2 to rise and not vice versa.............Oh, and wd, you just might want to pay attention a little bit better. I just recently did a post in which I castigated Newt Gingrich for taking more money from Fannie and Freddie than Obama, Frank, and Dodd combined. You're the partisan a-hole here, not me.

    1. Who knows what Gore believes. By now he may actually have come to believe his own claim that he invented the Internet.

      I would place my money, though, that Gore believes in the almighty dollar. End of story. He sure has worked to feed his avarice since he left public office. Not that there is anything wrong with that in general. But Gore has been lining his pockets through deception and public policy manipulations. Claiming some sort of noble cause. However... Florida is no where near succuming to the waves. And Gore's bank vault, like Scrooge McDuck's is the only thing about to overflow.

  5. ".Oh, and wd, you just might want to pay attention a little bit better"

    Is "El Canardo" riding in these parts again?

  6. He claimed that when I said, 8-10 deletions a day, that I was lying - well, guess what, I've already deleted 9 since I've gotten home from work and it isn't even 8PM. The ass-wipe wouldn't know the truth if it landed in his lap.

  7. Hey Will, I'm sure you've heard Joe, Truth 101 Kelly just named ws/DS a shithead for all his shitheadedness.

    There is just no justice in blogistan :-)

  8. On this particular subject, Joe is most astute.


  9. one has anything to say about Obama's decision on Syria?

    I watched John Kerry on the morning shows today....who doesn't think he's a double for Lurch from the Adams Family?

  10. I think that Obama is just trying to save face here. He made some stupid comment about a red line and now he has to deal with it....He does realize, doesn't he, that bombing Syria means that they're probably going to bomb Israel?

    1. Should be Congress Making the Decision, as Article 1, Section Eight stipulates

      Better late than never.

  11. Oh, and, dmarks, the polar bears are doing OK, too - population up some 300% since the '70s.

  12. Les, if Obama doesn't go to the UN on this, will the leftists who called Bush a war criminal for his not doing so say the same thing about Obama? I sure as hell hope so.............Oh, and, wd, there is zero evidence of global warming ever having been a cause of mass extinctions on earth. Global cooling and gassings have been far more dangerous and the primary cause of extinctions. My advice to you would be to study the geological and paleoclimatological records and stop watching the error laced "An Inconvenient Truth" over and over again.

    1. Say what you about.w/DS, he's hard wired. Once he sinks his shitheadedness teeth into something he's like a mad.bulldog. He never let's go. His tenacity is legendary.

      So is his shitheadedness according to Joe Truth 101 Kelly, the authority on all things shithead.


  13. Poor Dervy has had a shitty Labor Day weekend.Truth started it by calling him a "shithead," Anon tore him to pieces,Steve kick him in the ass about 15 times,he wrote an idiotic post about Truth,he banned Steve and he deleted me because I asked him if he was a taker or a maker.The boy is losing step,water tower.

    1. Rusty: and now Dervie is making himself feeling better by making imaginary statements and attacking you for saying them. Lol. He has spread this new crusade to a few blogs already.

      By the way, Rusty, you are no taker at all. Any money the gaming industry gets is given to it voluntarily. 100%.

  14. If nonsequiturs, strawmen, and talking-points were currency, this fellow would be Ross Perot, Oprah, and Mark Cuban combined. Idiotic is an understatement, fellas'.......And who exactly is this Steve guy?

    1. Steve is Anon, Anon is Steve and perhaps wd/DS, Or as Steve says RN could be wd/DS and/or vice versa. In any case the only one who really knows is the Shadow. And perhaps Joe because Steve/Anon/Anon/Steve/wd/DS said he knows.

      But really, perhaps Steve is just a figment of everones imagination and she is perhaps Sue.

  15. My favorite wd nonsequitur took place over at Les's site. We were talking about the Syrian situation and out of nowhere he started going off on that bald-face lie that I somehow dislike poor people (just because I disagree with his socialistic idiocy). It had absolutely nothing to do with the topic but the moron uses any excuse in the book to make false accusations and trouble. Yeah, he's a pretty monstrous shithead.......That, and I could have pointed to any number of sports posts in which he just came out of left-field and tried to turn it into some hackneyed political word salad.


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