Tuesday, August 13, 2013

On Sharpton Once Referring to the Ancient Greeks as "Greek Homos"

Is this guy the world's biggest ignoramus or what?


  1. Did Rev. Sharpton ever apologize to Asian-Americans for doing his damnedest to try and get his followers to engage a pogrom/Kristallnacht against them?

    If not, this incident, and MSNBC embracing him and his views, makes for one instance where MSNBC is definitely worse than Fox. (Check the Pew Trust study for more examples).

  2. He never apologized for Tawana Brawley and so I seriously doubt that he's ever apologized for anything else......."Punk faggot" is another one of his greatest hits.

  3. Sharpton the race hustler. A real piece of work. The "Gods" broke the mold when he popped out of the oven.

  4. This is the same fellow who made Don Imus grovel over that admittedly stupid "nappy headed ho" comment and who called for his ouster anyway. Nice guy!

  5. The only person on MSNBC that I can stomach these days is Chuck Todd. The dude actually does a decent show and appears for the most part to stay away from such idiocy.

  6. Will: I had not watched MSNBC for quite some time. I decided to watch last week. Lawrence O'Donnell came on. His show went pretty well. Then he launched into a long pointless attack on Bill O'Reilly.

    That's the stuff of cheesy blogs, not real news networks. And it is a sure sign of a failed network or endeavor, when they include material on the "top dog" in such a fashion... not sure the purpose: to get ratings by hanging on O'Reilly's coat tails? Or are they just jealous and running a network out of spite, instead of any valid news mission?

    I see this "me too" self-boosterism from 2nd rate cities, cars, other products. Manifestation of an inferiority complex.

    It would have been a good show if O'Donnell had stood strong and acted like his show was the #1 news show in the universe. Instead, he acted like he was in the bottom.


  7. Todd is alright....and Andrea Mitchell is O.K.

  8. I liked O'Donnell at first because he seemed to be somewhat of a maverick. He had on that guy from The Atlantic who wrote a complementary piece on Sarah Palin's tenure as governor and even admitted that the pre Iraq War Dick Cheney was reasonable. But he's kind of gotten just as partisan as the rest of them and I've tended not to watch him any more.


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